How to Increase Height with Exercises

15 Top Exercises to Increase Height

Having an ideal height is the dream of everyone either men or women. Fortunately some people have fast growing height from their childhood but those people who unfortunately remain short could be very frustrating for them. At this state, they should not give up but be positive that there is an opportunity to apply on your height and do effort of being little tall. You just need to focus few of the exercises given below through which you can become tall and heighted.

1.  Swimming

How to Increase Height
Swimming is the best way to stretch all over your body, this stretching and reaching would be beneficial to grow height in a very short period of time. You should strictly make a daily schedule of approximately 2 to 3 hours for increasing height. Swimming for long periods could give you best results.

2.  Hanging Exercises

How to Increase Height with Hanging
The main purpose of your body is stretching if it comes to increase the height gradually. Hanging exercises needs a long bar through which you can hang yourself on and stretch your body frequently. By the help of bar, you can also bring your legs up parallel to the ceiling for better stretching. You should hang on the bar for several times a week.

3.  Touch Toes

Touch Toes to Increase your Height
Among the plenty of different exercises, touching your toes is one of the best exercise that you can do anytime and anywhere. It does not need any special equipment to perform. You would have to stand straight then bending down to touch your toes. Remember not to leave the toes immediately but hold them for few seconds each time. If you find difficulty in doing this, you can also join gym for your better understanding and practice.

4.  Cobra Stretch

Cobra Stretch to Increase your Height
Cobra stretch is something difficult but the charm of increasing height will let you do this perfectly after so many practices.  In cobra stretch, your spine is actually stretched and it leads to the elongation of your body. The more you will do cobra stretch, the more your back will open and increase your height. You just have to lie on the face down and palms under your shoulders. Then arch your back by raising your chin in the form an angle.

5.  Pelvic Shift

How to Increase your Height
Pelvic shift exercise surrounds the spine and lower hips which are the most recommended exercise for increasing height. You will need to lay down flat on your back with your palms to the sides. Now push your pelvis on the upward position then slowly bent your legs and hold it for about 30 seconds. Repeat the posture for several times.

6.  Leg Stretches

how to increase height naturally
There is hundreds of leg stretching exercises and all of them show great results towards increasing height. One of those calf exercises is to stand parallel to a wall and place both of your hands on the wall. Now put the force on your hands then move one leg close to the wall with gradual manner. It will make you feel like your calf is stretched then hold it for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times a day.

7.  The Table

how to grow taller naturally
You would be amazed to know that you can pose your body in the form of a table. It sounds very easy that you will happily and easily do this exercise but actually this is the most difficult exercise you would do. It works great for increasing the height. First sit on the floor and stretch your legs out. Now put your palms on the floor that must be facing your feet then push your chest upward until it becomes like a shape of a table. Hold the position at least for 20 seconds.

8.  Jump Rope

how to be taller
Jump rope is very old and easy exercise to which everybody is doing from the childhood in schools. Roping matters on the lower legs that when you start jumping rope, it puts weight on the lower legs and cause stretching. More jumping will sooner give you results.

9.  Squat Jumping

how to become taller
Jumping exercises target on your cartilage bone and legs. Rope jumping or squat jumping will tend to stretch your cartilage out so that your body will simultaneously become taller. In order to perform this exercise, you can play basketball for more vertical jumps and can jump alone at home. Include this exercise in your daily routine.

10.  Dry Swim or Alternate Kick

how to gain height
Do not worry if you do not find any pool to swim. Shape your body as you is swimming, all of the important thing is swimming stretch and its benefits you will get from this. For doing this, you will lie down on your stomach then stretch your arms in front of you. Your right arm should be slightly higher than your left arm. Along with stretching out your legs, raise your left leg up slowly then hold the pose for few seconds.

11.  Super Stretch

exercise to increase height
This exercise is super easy to do. It does not need any good effort but good for reducing stress. You just need to stand straight then keep your hands behind your head. Bend both of your hands upward together and back as far as you can. Hold the posture for few seconds. It will help in increasing your height at the possible extent while stretching out your spine.

12.  Two Legs Straight up

ways to increase height
This is the simplest trick to increase your height even children seems to do this exercise at home while making fun. You will have to lay flat on your back then place your palms on the floor towards your side. Now slowly move your legs upwards in front of the ceiling and try to stretch your legs as much as you can until your pelvis lifts off the floor. In this way your legs and lower back will tend to stretch. This stretch needs practice and helper as it is difficult to perform for the first time.

13.  Forward Spine Stretch

how to grow tall
Forward spine stretch needs force of your back and calves. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. Now slowly arch your back forward to touch your toes. In this way, the muscles of toe will stretch and hold the position for numerous seconds.

14.  Pilates Roll Over

how to increase height naturally
This exercise sounds difficult and must be perform after so many practices at gym. What to do is lay on your back with your arms at your sides. Gradually move both of your legs up towards the ceiling. After that try and bring your legs back and touch the floor behind your head. This exercise will increase your height while stretching your spine. Do this daily to get the results soon.

15.  Cat and Dog

How to grow height naturally
Cat and dog stretches are easily understood by its name. You will have to make a position like cat and dog. Your body will get to stretch more finely an inch or two. Start the exercise by moving your hands and knees while arching your back upward and lift. Hold the pose for few seconds then breathe out then repeat again.

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how to increase your height with exercises

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