Health Benefits of Breastfeeding
20 Health Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom and Baby
Breastfeeding is as better as long you do. It has benefits for both the mom and baby. If never want your baby to loss his health, you should take great care of yourself and focus on just few activities. Gently handle your baby and fix proper timing for breastfeeding. Some of the points are explained here which throws the light on the multiple advantages of breastfeeding. This article describes about the nursing incentives that would be helpful for you and your little baby.
1. A healthier Baby
Breast milk works as the antibiotic for the baby as it stops many diseases to attack the baby’s body like pneumonia, colds and viruses. The statements from infant-nutrition expert Ruth A. Lawrence, M.D, professor of pediatrics and OB-GYN at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in Rochester, N.Y, and the author of breastfeeding says that baby would never been go through the symptoms of diarrhea and other gastrointestinal infections.
2. Long-Term Protection
Such chronic conditions like type I diabetes, celiac disease and Crohn’s disease have the lower risks of developing the baby’s body upon the breastfeeding.
3. Stronger Bones
Women who prefer to breastfeeding, they will never affected by the postmenopausal osteoporosis. Before pregnancy, the breast milk production becomes higher in rate and the women body absorbs more calcium. After few months of delivery, the bones of spine and hips become heavier and stronger as compare to pre-pregnancy.
4. Lower SIDS Risk
Sudden infant death syndrome is very much popular among new born babies. The breastfeeding helps in lowering the risk of SIDS about a half percent in babies.
5. Fever Problems with Weight
Women have found great benefit towards the weight that they will never be on obesity while breastfeeding their babies.
6. A Calorie Incinerator
It is proved by Lawrence that nursing your baby will decrease the fats up to 500 calories in a day. Breast milk contains 20 calories in one ounce so if a woman feeds her baby 20 ounces per day, 400 calories of her body will be reduced.
7. It’s Good for the Earth
The formulation of milk powder is subsidizing the infants and contributing to the global warming in which dairy cows are used. The earth would be safe from the methane (enormous greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere.
8. Better Healing Post-Delivery
Breastfeeding also serve your body to cleanse post-delivery. A substance called oxytocin is released while a woman nurses her baby due to which uterus contract and reduces the blood loss post-delivery. Breastfeeding mother will get their uterus turn to the normal size for about six weeks postpartum. On the other hand, those women who never feed their babies will have 10 weeks of preparation of the normal uterus.
9. Less Risk of Cancer
A benefit for baby while on breastfeeding will decrease the risk of childhood cancers. In women, it decreases the risk of premenopausal breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
10. An Unmatched Feeling of Power
Mother feels wonderful as she see her baby grow more rapidly on the breast milk alone, said by Lawrence.
11. A Custom-Made Supply
After the delivery, the first milk secretion is released called colostrum is full of antibodies which protects the newborn baby all the way. The small amount of colostrum is good enough for the baby’s hunger as it contains the higher amount of protein. This statement is established by Heather Kelly, an international board-certified lactation consultant in New York City and a member of Bravado Breastfeeding Information Council’s advisory board.
The production of full milk starts just after two to three days of post-delivery. It is even higher in amount of sugar and density than colostrum and that’s a necessary requirement of baby. It would be better for a mother to feed her baby frequently to increase the fuel and his rapid growth. It is explained by Kelly that mature milk secretion is quickly digested by the baby so he will eat easily.
12. More Effective Vaccines
Vaccination picks up the antibody response much better in breastfeed babies as compare to somewhat formula-fed babies.
13. A Menstruation Vacation
Breastfeeding your baby time to time during a day without feeding him on bottles or other formula will stop the ovulation in mothers which means delayed menstruation. Prolactin is released in advanced way that it suppresses upon the estrogen and progesterone so ovulation is not generated.
As the levels of prolactin fall, estrogen and progesterone becomes active due to which ovulation takes place thus menstrual periods starts. There are several moms who breastfeed their babies will get their menstruation return between six and eight months post-delivery.
14. Less Time off Work
The risk of illness is less often in babies, mothers will have good days then.
15. It’s Cheap
Breastfeeding is cheap as it never needs money but just your time. According to La Leche League International, if we take a look at the cost of formula milks, we will come to know that it has the range from $134 to $491 in one month. By the calculation, it has been estimated that in a year, the expenditure would be $1,608 to $5,892.
16. A Great way to Learn about Your Baby
A mother would be able to identify the baby’s health that how much it is empowering through the amount of breastfeeding he generally feeds in a day. Disparate with a bottle, you will never know how much he is eaten. In this way, behavior of your baby would be in front of his mother after his stomach is full.
17. You can Stockpile the Condoms – For Now
Breastfeed is meant to be the best way for baby birth control. It has chances of about 99 percent of birth control option. But women should follow some points that they should breastfeed their babies for approximately every four hours so the menstrual periods would not resumed. Do not make your baby’s habit on pacifiers, bottles or formula. The postpartum should be for less than six months.
Do not let your baby sleep through feeding at night time as night time feeding is important to process the amenorrhea method. There is a chance of ovulation when night time nursing is not done properly.
18. There’s Nothing Easier
Breast milk is always available at the right temperature. The secretion is produced after every half and one an hour. Women should pull up their shirt and nurse the babies.
19. Benefits for All
It has found from the research published in the journal pediatrics, the 90 percent of U.S. family’s mothers prefer to breastfeed their newborn babies for at least six months and therefore the saving in this country is about $13 billion in a year in medical costs.
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