Inside Jungfraujoch Ice Palace, Switzerland

Jungfraujoch is Europe's highest point. Swiss have built amazing mountain railways to take people there within hours and is an amazing experience. I need to write a lot about this place asap.

This post is about one of the many attractions in Jungfraujoch- The Ice Palace. Ice palace is a small cave like structure carved inside ice, with a few ice carved statues.

Polar bear carvings
 Falcon carvings
The passage 
Touching the ice walls wasn't as much fun as holding snow outside
 Top of Europe
Because I took Friday evening flight to Geneva, I went straight from office, and I was in formal office shoes. I had tough time balancing on the icy floor, which was slippery and my formal shoe couldn't get enough grip. There are railings to hold on for support, so that was lot helpful.

I understand it is also very tricky to maintain this place as is- like to prevent from more ice forming on top of carvings or to prevent the attractions inside from melting.

There is no extra fee for visiting Ice Palace.

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