2 Door cars in Europe

Two door cars are very hard to find in India- particularly in the budget segment, it is impossible. Maruti had tried launching Zen Carbon and Steel, 2 door versions of Zen small car 10 years ago but that didn't take off and Maruti never tried again. VW Beetle, Fiat 500, Audi A3 Cabriolet, Merc SLK are a very 3 door cars available in India, but with their price range being upwards of 20 lakhs, the numbers are very few.

May be we feel 2 door car is not a status symbol. After paying so many lakhs, why not get proper 4 door one? Even Nano had to be built with 4 doors.

But in Europe and other countries, 2 door cars are very popular. Almost every manufacturer has on offer different kinds of 2 door cars. Having two less door means much less moving components and probably some savings in materials, so it is cheaper and easier for car manufacturers to roll out a two door car compared to its 4 door counterpart. Not just on the premium side, even budget cars are available in 2 door variant. (Popular small cars in India- Swift, i20, Polo etc are also available in 2 door configuration abroad).

I clicked several nice 2 door small cars here in Copenhagen during my way to work and back. Take a look and tell me what you feel. Would you buy them if launched in India? Do you think they are cute?

Few of them have a row of seats in the back, accessible by folding front row seats. But majority are proper 2 seat 2 door cars.
Toyota IQ
Ford Fiesta 2 Door
Mazda RX 8
 Citroen DS3
Opel Adam 
 VW Up 2 door and another 2 door car, EOS
 The premium ones: BMW
Mini.. Mini is now made available also in 4 doors, due to demand I guess
  VW Beetle
A vintage 2 door car
 What do you think of these cars? Which one is your favorite?

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