
We all accept that we are really shrewd and savvy; in spite of, there are a few things we do time after time that decrease our insight. As there are various things that add to this impact, here are the main five that are affecting your brain capacity. What are you blameworthy of?

Lack of Sleep:

One of the immense contributors to "dumb acts" is the absence of slumber! At the point when our brain is lazy, we are not ready to respond rapidly, or think and react quickly. The general rule of the thumb is people need no less than eight hours of snooze every night. If we get proper sleep, our brain will remain fresh and are able to react and think quickly. So, lack of sleep is playing a big role in making us dumb.


Whether we realize it or not but when our psyche is already distracted, it takes a ton of our focus to concentrate. An incredible approach to de-stress yourself is to make a list of everything you can realistically finish that day. Another approach to relieve stress is just leaving the issue for a couple of minutes, go out and get some air and rejoin with a new point of view.


If you are working on several projects within a short time span, or if you are thinking about to accomplish another project while doing something else, the quality of work is extensively reduced as your sleep will be affected and when your sleep will be affected, then you became stressful. When it comes down to reducing multi-tasking, you need to manage your time, give each project its proper time i.e. dedicated, uninterrupted time. You would be astonished how much more productive your day is!

Poor Ventilation:

While this may appear to be odd, but if a room is stuffy and dim lit, then your mind will think it is still time to rest, thus less productive. A magnificent approach to battle this is to add a few lights to illuminate your workspace or office. On the off chance you can open a window to push some air around. These two collectively can make you more vivacious and prepared to face the challenges and difficulties of the day or as a minimum obviate rest time for a couple of hours.

Poor Diet:

The factor which causes the most commotion is poor diet. Remove the fast food! Our brain needs vitamins and minerals to keep you lively and alert, while junk or fast food can modify your mind-set, making you long for more fats, and this heavy meal makes you tired.

These above five facts are those “stupid mistakes” which everyone have adopted in their lives. Cutting out these boosts your productivity. When you stretch yourself too thin, your work endures, and there are chances of looking idiotic before your boss (and nobody wants that!). 

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