3 Tips for Choosing a Career

Are you undecided about your future? Many people are. Even those who choose an industry are often left wondering if the grass is greener on the other side.

With the right consideration, however, you can find a career that's both profitable and personally fulfilling. Just be prepared to do a lot of soul searching. In that vein, here are three tips for figuring it all out.

1. Know Your Passions

What excites you? What motivates you? "Do what you love" may sound like a cliche, but if you want to find a lifetime career, it's extremely valuable advice. You'll be doing this thing five days a week until retirement. You should love it.

2. Look at Industry Growth

Jobs in the fast food business have different projections than bioinformatics careers. No matter where you decide to work, you'll want to know what to expect of salaries, market trends and advancement opportunities in the coming decade.

3. Get Some Experience

If you're on the fence about choosing a certain career, look for internships and apprenticeships that will allow you to "taste" the job before fully committing to it. You can also ask your professors and community leaders if they know anyone you can shadow at work.

Whether you're a corporate employee looking to change industries or just a high school senior trying to map out your future, you'll need to think carefully about your career options before making a decision. Good luck!

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