What You Should Tell Your Kids about Drug Abuse

Most people were told from an early age to avoid using drugs because they are bad. However, the full scope of drug abuse is often not explained to impressionable people who are at risk of using. If you have children who are at an age when they could begin to be exposed to drugs at school and at parties, it is important that you clearly explain to them about all of the negative ways drugs can impact their life. While Ohio drug and alcohol rehab has been very successful in helping people to kick their habit, the goal is to prevent your child from attending drug rehab in the first place. Here are a few of the things you should mention to your child.

1. Internal damage

When a person uses drugs, especially over an extended period of time, it is very likely that severe damage will be done to many of their vital internal organs. Your stomach, lungs, liver, throat and brain are all possible victims of drug abuse. In many cases, you will not even notice the damage when it begins to happen. It generally occurs slowly over a period of time. By the time that you realize something is seriously wrong and you go to see a doctor, it will be too late and the damage will be irreversible.

2. Violence

It is common for people who abuse drugs to be prone to violent tendencies, often endangering themselves and the people around them. There are certain drugs that promote this type of behavior more than others. Not only can a violent outburst hurt people, it could also put you in a situation where you commit an assault and are arrested.

3. Addiction

While you might start taking drugs as just a fun thing to do at a party or other social gathering, you will probably find that it is not easy to stop afterwards. Drugs such as cocaine, crack, heroin and ecstasy are known for being extremely addictive. Doing any of these drugs a single time could cause you to begin a downward spiral of addiction.

4. Relationships

People who are addicted to drugs will often alienate the people who love them the most. It is common for marriages to end because one of the people is abusing drugs. It can also negatively impact relationships with your friends or family. Eventually, most addicts end up alone with nobody to help them.

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