Olive oil is bliss. There are very widespread and extensive benefits of olive oil. Olive oil is considered very effective against several diseases. Cardiologists reckon at least 2 tablespoons of olive oil daily as this is very advantageous to our health.
All the components present in olive are beneficial one way or another. A component called phytonutrient is very helpful in fighting breast cancer. This component mimics the action of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen which prevents inflammation thus helps in prevention of breast cancer. In addition to phytonutrient some additional components like Squalene and Lignans are also very effective against cancer.
Heart Diseases:
Protection against heart diseases is also one of the greatest aspects of olive oil. Olive oil prevents one from heart diseases by lowering the blood cholesterol level. It lowers low density lipoproteins cholesterol level without varying high density lipoprotein cholesterol level. Thus olive oil takes part in prevention of heart diseases.
Blood Pressure:
Modern studies revealed that regular utilization of olive oil controls blood pressure.
Olive oil lowers blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level and augments insulin sensitivity.
Low calcium and mineral level in bone upshots fragile and fractured bones. Olive oil plays a significant role in improving bone calcium level and prevents beginning of Osteoporosis.
Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Modern studies suggest that one with diet loaded olive oil is less possible to develop rheumatoid arthritis.
Malignant melanoma:
Malignant melanoma is the most unsafe and dangerous type of skin cancer. Studies revealed that antioxidants may slow down the process of skin cancer. As olive oil is rich is antioxidants so this can prevent one from skin cancer. Latest studies have also revealed that olive oil prevents damage to skin from dangerous UV rays.
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