goodbye summer

Another summer officially over and now I'm back to work for reals. I can't really say I'm on maternity leave from the blog anymore, so I'll explain more in this post.

My baby is not a baby anymore... he's a real walking, semi-talking little boy. It continually astounds me that he is able to do so much and learn so well. Truly an experience unlike any other.

As he has gotten older and I had my first summer off in the school system, I have been able to find some leisure time. But I am leaning toward leisure pursuits that have a tangible result. This summer, I made a shadow box, a board book, some t-shirt scarves, and a photo book on shutterfly. I haven't wanted to spend a lot of time on the computer, and it was next to impossible to get my brain in gear to thoughtfully write a post. I haven't even read many posts through my rss reader.

I still spend too much time on my phone, as my poor little fingers and growing sudoku numbers can attest. But I'm trying to cut back there as well. And now that I am on the computer everyday for work purposes, I really am not anxious to pick one up at home. 

So I'm not sure what that means for the future of the blog. I have lots of great ideas and have been taking photos to share still. I liked doing the interviews and I think people enjoyed them. I like the quick-sharing on twitter but I usually don't have the time for tweet chats when you can actually discuss a topic further. 

I'm going to try to return to writing, but I'm most hopeful that I have leisure time at all and that I consider it well spent. The start of the school year has been very stressful, and combining that with 2 funerals requiring out of state multi-day travel has been awful, so I already feel underwater. And while writing definitely has its place as a stress-reliever, the analytic nature of crossword/jigsaw/sudoku puzzles provides a lot of comfort, and completing projects (as terrible as my craft skills are) may take precedence. 

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