Vaping vs. Cigarettes

Vaporizing is a relatively new alternative to cigarette smoking. With all of the well-deserved negativity surrounding the health risks of tobacco use, people are turning to vaporizing or e-cigarettes as a potentially safer alternative to traditional tobacco use. While the study of these new products to determine their efficacy as a cessation product and safety as a recreational habit is still ongoing, you will notice several options unique to vaporizing. 

Traditional cigarettes have a few flavors and strengths from which users can choose. Vaporizing offers much more flavor-oriented products. Liquids, cartridges and even click on flavor tips for vaporizers come in a variety of flavors ranging from desserts to original tobacco flavor. As brands compete to get the attention of vapor users, more and more extravagant flavors come out in varying strengths, so shop around if you have something particular in mind. 

Cigarettes are by necessity a single-use item, which suits some users. Vaporizers can be used multiple times and even indefinitely, if you buy new batteries, atomizers and other parts to keep it going. In most cases, you will get a rechargeable device with cartridges containing the liquid that is to be vaporized. Companies like Vapor Palace sell e-liquid so even the cartridges can be refilled and used on multiple occasions. 

The liquid or cartridges used in e-cigs and other vaporizing devices are almost all available in different nicotine strengths. This is why some people use it is as a cessation product, as they can lower their nicotine dose over time. They go from full strength all the way down to liquids and cartridges containing no nicotine. Users can choose from any of these strengths in any of the available flavors from a particular brand.

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