
Industrialization has helped mankind to raise the standard of living. It has at the same time destroyed our environment. Tons of industrial waste and effluents in solid, liquid or gas form are being injected into the environment by the industries. These effluents frequently contain sizable amount of certain very toxic even carcinogenic materials. Heavy 'metals like lead from automobiles, chromium from tanneries, are playing havoc to human health. Environmental pollution has reached alarming level in some countries.
This problem, therefore, needs to be addressed or else it would soon be out of control in which case the bio-components of the world ecosystem would suffer irreparable loss and this environment would no longer support life on this planet.

Biology has helped mankind in attracting attention to this problem and the biologists are striving to find the solution to set this environment right wherever it has deteriorated. Biologists have already asked for the treatment of industrial effluents to be made obligatory. Several ways of bioremediation (removal or degradation of environmental pollutants or toxic materials by Hiring organisms) are also under investigation. For example algae have been found to reduce pollution of heavy metals by bio-absorption.

Biologists are also working out the list of endangered species of plants and animals which if not protected would soon be extinct. They have, therefore, stressed the needs for their protection.
The environmental pollution is a national problem in Pakistan. Our rivers, canals are highly polluted with the mixing of city sewage and industrial wastes. The life in fresh water of Pakistan is towards decline. Fish populations have been most adversely affected. We need to take protective measures as early as possible. In cities, particularly the exhaust from auto-mobiles is enormously adding lead into the atmosphere. There is then a need for lead free petrol to reduce the pollution. 

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