New design cycle valves

Learnt a new thing recently. So far I’d only seen traditional valves used in cycles- having a rubber tube on top of a metal valve. This rubber tube was expected to make the valve air tight. But over time they do release small quantities of air out of the tube. This necessitates filling up air into the tyres once in a while.
Looks like I am not too updated about latest developments. Recently learnt about this new design valve, which sans the rubber tube. It has an air outlet mechanism in-built and I find them very effective. They are able to hold air much longer, few weeks and more.

Below: left side is the new design value, right side one is traditional 

My roadside mechanic calls them as ‘China valves’- not sure if they’re originated in China or made locally. They cost Rs 8 a piece (traditional one costs less than half that amount, but given that filling up air cots Rs 2-3 per tyre, the china valves are worth the money)

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