Birds at Karanji Kere, Mysore- Second visit

I had last visited Karanji here 3 years ago [photos here and here] and visited again last December. However. second visit was not as exciting as the first one, probably because I had high expectations.

It was almost the same time. In 2011 it was January, in 2013 it was December. But the number of birds we could spot was very less. Even the enclosure where we could walk next to peacocks looked fairly lifeless. But the big difference was that this time I had a 300mm lens. A few photos below for your reference.

Lady Amherst Pheasant

Silver Pheasant

Yellow Golden Pheasant

Regular Peacock

 White Peacock
 White Dove

Also see: Darter Bird at Kabini * Red Ibis at Berlin Zoo * Indian Roller * Orange coloured Egret *

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