Buy Salmeterol

In severe cases, a sudden asthma attack may require a visit to the emergency room. It is of the utmost importance that anyone with asthma knows the proper steps to take during the event of an asthma attack. Here are some tips on handling an asthma attack.

Recognize the signs of a severe attack
Some of the tell-tale signs of a severe asthma attack are difficultly speaking, bluish lips, chest tightness, wheezing, fast breathing, and extreme panic. Everyone that has been diagnosed with chronic asthma should have a peak flow meter on hand at all times. A peak flow measures the amount of air that an asthmatic is able to push out. If the person is deemed to be suffering from a severe episode of asthma, then immediate medical attention may be required.

Asthma sufferers usually are given medications to alleviate the symptoms of an asthma attack. These fast-acting inhalers are designed to provide instant relief for an asthma flair-up. Buy Salmeterol and similar medications as soon as a refill becomes available. The last thing that an asthmatic wants is to be in dire need of an inhaler, only to find out that the supply has been depleted.

Use caffeine in a pinch
If no medications can be found, then caffeine can also be used as an alternative solution. The properties of caffeine have proved to be effective in relaxing inflamed airways. Only a small amount of caffeine is needed to produce results.

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