Heart Symptoms


Heart Symptoms that affects millions of people
Heart attack, coronary artery disease, heart valve disease, heart palpitation – each type of heart disease may have the same symptoms, and can appear together or individual.
How the heart looks like and how does it work?
Heart has 4 chambers: right and left atrium, and right and left ventricles. Between the atrium and ventricle are the mitral valve and tricuspid valve which regulates blood flow in one sense from atrium to ventricle. From left ventricle starts Aorta and from right starts the pulmonary artery.  On the outside, heart has its own vessel named coronary artery and coronary veins, which gets blood with oxygen to the heart muscle and makes it work well.
Heart symptoms causes:
Family history
Sedentary life
High blood pressure
Heart symptoms and mechanisms:
Chest pain (angina): appears because some of the heart coronary artery is partially blocked by atherosclerosis or spasm correlated with anxiety and fatigue.
Heart attack: appears because one of the principal heart coronary artery is totally blocked and stops blood flow to the heart muscle making that part of heart to die. Heart symptoms are: sensation of imminent death, chest pain with irradiation to the neck, both arm, medial part of the left arm going to the last two fingers, or upper part of the stomach, more than 20 minutes, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, syncope, swelling.
Heart palpitation: appears because the heart electrical system is over stressed and decreases the heart ability to pump blood to the organism and itself. This is correlated with abnormal levels of electrolytes, caffeine, anemia, illicit drugs, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and hyperthyroidism.
Heart symptoms inside valves: appears because blood can go back in lungs or in liver causing edema (water accumulation), shortness of breath, chest discomfort, weakness, palpitations, fatigue.
Heart failure: appears when heart muscle is overworked, in situations like diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, arrhythmias, and obstructive sleep apnea. Symptoms are: tiredness, shortness of breath, edema, swelling in ankles and legs associated with superficial lesion.
Fluttering heart symptoms : angina pectoris, rapid heartbeat or a feeling that heart just stopped shortness of breath, syncope, fatigue, anxiety.
Heart symptoms related to sex:
Heart symptoms in children : one of the first heart symptoms in children is cyanosis (blue color of the extremities like fingers from hand and feet, mouth, ears, nose), chest pain, edema, syncope, palpitation.
Heart symptoms in women : in comparison with men, the chest pain appears only on 30% of women, the rest of women have no chest pain. Most women accused indigestion, sleep disorder, weakness in the left arm, shortness of breath, fatigue, sweat, anxiety, pain in the upper part of stomach.
Heart symptoms in men : chest pain irradiating to arm, neck, upper part of stomach, fatigue, shortness of breath, anxiety, nausea, vomiting
When to call the doctor:
Chest pain is more than 5 minutes after you take under tongue nitroglycerin (be very carefull that nitroglycerin is still valid, if you are not sure put it on your tongue and if it stings  it may be ok), if chest pain does not decrease you can take another nitroglycerin after 5 minutes, maximum three doses, after you must call an ambulance.
Chest pain associated with sensation of imminent death, irregular heart beating, sweating, nausea or vomiting, high pressure levels.
Heart palpitation associated with angina, fatigue, syncope, anxiety.
A respiratory infection plus tachycardia (fast heart rate over 90 beats per minutes when still), palpitation, shortness of breath while you are resting or during easy daily activities, insomnia or needing to sleep more than usual, confusion, headaches, nausea.

Heart symptoms diagnoses:

Diagnosis can be made by medical doctor after some tests like:
Electrocardiogram which registers the heart activities.
Stress test: this test registers the heart activities to.
Chest X-ray
Echocardiogram: doctors can see all the cavities and valves of the heart, or if there are some clots.
Coronary angiogram: doctors are running a catheter into the heart to see blocked coronary vessels and other heart symptoms.
CT heart scan: can visualize heart anatomy.
MRI heart scan: shows how heart is working and a lot of heart symptoms .

Heart symptoms treatment:

Treatment is prescribed by doctors and can include:
Nitrates for chest pain.
ACE helps heart to pump blood better, in case that a part of the heart is injured. It can reduce some heart symptoms like blood pressure.
Beta blockers are used in heart symptoms like chest pain, tachycardia (cardiac frequency over 90 beats per minute), and decrease blood pressure, preventing a heart attack.
Digitalis reduces heart rhythm and chest pain.
Calcium channel blockers are used to decrease blood pressure and in chest pain, because they relax blood vessel muscle.
Diuretics are used in blood pressure by decreasing fluid in the body (edema).
Antiplatelet drugs stops blood clots from forming, and this should be used by all the people with risk factors like obesity, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, chest pain, smokers.
Thrombolytic agents are given in the forth hour after a heart attack, for breaking up a blood clot in a coronary artery, making the blood flow again.
Blood cholesterol- lowering agents decrease bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) levels in the blood, lowering the risk for  clots in blood vessels.

Heart symptoms prevention:

Because heart attack and stroke is the first killer in the world, a lot of people are asking what to do to avoid them. Here you can see some advices:
Stop smoking, one cigarette can move a blood clot which produce and heart attack or stroke, and chemicals are affecting you blood vessels and heart, leading to the atherosclerosis.
Exercise at least 30 minutes per day, and you can reduce the risk of heart disease and helps you to control weight, blood pressure, lower cholesterol and diabetes value.
Have a good diet by eating foot which contains low fat, cholesterol and salt and a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish, and cereals.
Avoid psycho stimulants like drugs, caffeine in excess.

Taking this advices you can avoid  bad heart symptoms and you can enjoy a good life.

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