Road Trip: Nicaragua

by Mike Satterfield

Nicaragua, for me it was my first international trip, way back when I was just a high school student looking to change the world for the better and scratch the itch of adventure that all most young men have. It was exciting a place full of new sounds, smells, places, faces, peppered with a hint of danger. Nicaragua is a country with a history marked with tragic wars, earthquakes, and international intervention, all which have left their scars on what should have been paradise on earth.

My first trip to Managua was in the late 90's just a few years after more transparent elections started happening in Nicaragua. I have a great fondness for Nicaragua and the friends I have made there, the country has made such progress in quality of education, economic growth, and overall quality of life. Nicaragua is a country that is only accessible by car, the rail systems were abandoned and sold for scrap long ago. So over the years of visiting Nicaragua I have had the opportunity to road trip across a large part of the country. The group I work with is a small team of men that head down once a year to help with infrastructure projects including building schools, medical clinics, churches, water systems, and more.

Below are some images from my last trip...

Roundabout in Managua

Packed Public Buses 

When I first started to come to Nicaragua horse carts were more common, but they are slowly being replaced with more cars and motorcycles.

If you have a truck... you have a 6 passenger taxi

Tuk Tuks or Baji have started showing up in Nicaragua as urban Taxis a few years ago.

Village at KM34

Motorcyclist in Granada

KM34 Dirt Road

Loaded up in the truck and headed out to a job site.

Main Road 

Headed to market?

Scooby Art Car


Morning commute

Roadside Tire Shop/ Mechanic

Love these old Toyota Trucks

Motorcycle on Cobblestone 

Residential Street 
Street Art

Old or new Managua traffic stops them all...

Cyclist commuting 

Mornings in Managua
Looks like it is set up for a Grand Prix already...

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