Heart Disease in Women

Heart Disease in Women
Heart disease in women is a serious issue that needs special attention. Certain factors that pertain only to women are responsible for making this group of people at risk. In the past, most physicians would typically monitor men more closely for heart disease than women. This is because, in general, it was thought that most women have a lifestyle that is less stressful than men. While this may have been true at some point in time, it is not true today. The fact that many women deal with the same stresses as men, coupled with the fact that there are a few natural causes for heart disease in women in play, means that special attention must be paid to the possibility of heart disease.

Causes of Heart Disease in Women

* Menopause. Some medical professionals feel that when a women’s body stops producing estrogen they are at greater risk for getting heart disease. There is evidence that suggests that estrogen helps to insulate a women’s body from acquiring the condition. This fact is especially true if menopause occurs due to surgery. If a women has surgery to remove the ovaries or the uterus then the chances of them getting heart disease increases significantly.

* Birth Control Pills. Women who take birth control pills put themselves at risk of getting heart disease. In an effort to protect yourself from this condition is recommended that the pills be low-dose. The lower dose will be gentler on the body, specifically the heart. With that in mind, women who are on birth control and smoke cigarettes or have high blood pressure are at a higher risk for heart disease.

* Poor lifestyle habits. Similar to men, women who are in the habit of not exercising and eating poorly are at a greater risk for getting heart disease. A lack of exercise will oftentimes be accompanied by high cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol than the chance of having a narrowing or hardening of the arteries improves. Also, eating a poor diet will mean that you are putting food into your body that can poison it. In short, fatty foods will lead to the production of plaque in the arteries which will ultimately begin to build up on the interior walls of the arteries.

Heart disease in women is a major problem in this day and age. Knowing the causes and symptoms can help you identify if there are any warning signs present.

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