Blogiversary Winners!

I should seriously know better by now about announcing plans... as soon as I had great ideas for the blogiversary, everything else blew up. I had started my new job, which had a lot of intense time in the up-front, reevals and the like. Hospital census exploded and they needed help, at the same time that the outpatient center needed extra coverage. Still balancing the early intervention caseload also, though trying to transition them to new therapists. I had to take the four hour glucose test, and then I got ill. So clearly, this month was just not meant to happen. Promised entries will still be coming, but just on a delayed schedule.

At any rate, we do have winners for our giveaways!

Sarah wins the Geriatric Grab-bag with great gifts from Maddak, The Pencil Grip, Handybar, Tactus Therapy, and AOTA!

Our Pediatric Playthings winner was commenter #12 Jenny M! She gets gifts from  Maddak, The Pencil Grip, Tactus Therapy,  AOTA, Miss Awesomeness, and me!

Our Student Stuffs giveway winner was commenter #6 OT Girl! She wins prizes mostly from me, but also from AOTA and The Pencil Grip! (note that the # of possibilities represents the number of unique commenters, some duplicates snuck in)

I solicited these gifts based on products that I like and use, and hope that you will love them!

Commenters named in this post have 1 week to comment here with your email address (name AT source DOTCOM to prevent spam) so I can contact you since none of you left contact info! If I do not hear from you by 8am EST Friday February 8, I'm picking new people!

Thanks to everyone for commenting, re-tweeting, and pinning! I love hearing from readers and hope to get more input from you all on normal entries too! We had a couple of other bloggers stop by: Abby from Notes of a Pediatric Therapist; Heather from Heather's Creative Concoctions; and Christie from Mama OT -- be sure to check out their blogs too!

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