Blogiversary Winners!
At any rate, we do have winners for our giveaways!
Sarah wins the Geriatric Grab-bag with great gifts from Maddak, The Pencil Grip, Handybar, Tactus Therapy, and AOTA!
Our Pediatric Playthings winner was commenter #12 Jenny M! She gets gifts from Maddak, The Pencil Grip, Tactus Therapy, AOTA, Miss Awesomeness, and me!
Our Student Stuffs giveway winner was commenter #6 OT Girl! She wins prizes mostly from me, but also from AOTA and The Pencil Grip! (note that the # of possibilities represents the number of unique commenters, some duplicates snuck in)
I solicited these gifts based on products that I like and use, and hope that you will love them!
Commenters named in this post have 1 week to comment here with your email address (name AT source DOTCOM to prevent spam) so I can contact you since none of you left contact info! If I do not hear from you by 8am EST Friday February 8, I'm picking new people!
Thanks to everyone for commenting, re-tweeting, and pinning! I love hearing from readers and hope to get more input from you all on normal entries too! We had a couple of other bloggers stop by: Abby from Notes of a Pediatric Therapist; Heather from Heather's Creative Concoctions; and Christie from Mama OT -- be sure to check out their blogs too!
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