Fat Loss Revolution: 12 Weeks to a Hot ‘n Healthy Body at Any Age

I’m super excited about the release of my second book, Fat Loss Revolution: 12 Weeks to a Hot ‘n Healthy Body at Any Age.

Fat Loss Revolution by Paula Owens

Based on the latest medical, fitness, fat loss and nutritional research, Fat Loss Revolution is a must read for anyone seeking to live a healthy, vibrant life and experience permanent fat loss. The reader will be educated and provided with simple, step-by-step lifestyle solutions that result in restoration of health, permanent fat loss and a happy, healthy lifestyle.

Forget about dieting, counting calories or deprivation. Fat Loss Revolution contains practical knowledge that most individuals are not receiving about fat loss including hormones, inflammation, obesogens, food intolerances and so much more.

Fat Loss Revolution is not a quick-fix diet or the next best weight loss gimmick. I share with you my secrets and no-fail solutions that have produced results time and time again to achieve a hot ‘n healthy body for hundreds of my clients and myself.

You’ll discover the solutions to long-term fat loss success along with intelligent exercise programming for faster and lasting fat loss results plus healthy and delicious meal plans with easy-to-follow recipes plus more guaranteed that you will look and feel your best ever! It’s time to experience your own personal Fat Loss Revolution! More info about Fat Loss Revolution.

The Arizona Republic buzzin’ on the Fat Loss Revolution.

Star Fat Loss Revolution is available Now on Kindle, Nook, iTunes.

Star The official launch for the Paperback version is January 31. Save the date and order from Amazon.com on January 31. Party smile 

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