Bacon-wrapped Bake Purple Potatoes

So the other day I decided to make myself brunch, for which I wanted to make something to go with poached eggs.  Now, poached eggs boiled in vinegar water four minutes each are a a little runny with the yokes only semi-congealed on the edges, so they need something starchy to sop up the yoke.  Hashbrowns could work, but I had some purple potatoes that tend to bleed their pigment, so instead I thought I'd bake them.  Then my next brainwave was to wrap them in bacon and chiles, and damn they were tasty. 

  • Two small purple potatoes, half lengthwise
  • Four strips bacon
  • (optonal) Pickled green Thai chiles
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Olive oil
Slice the potatoes in half, then salt and pepper them.  The potatoes were small, not fingerlings but not nearly full-sized baking potatoes.  Wrap the bacon around loosely so that the top is well covered.  Insert the chiles, and drizzle olive oil on top as 'starter fat' to prevent the bacon from burning.  Bake at 350 °F for about 45 minutes, until the potato is cooked through. The bottom of the potatoes should come out nice and golden, and the bacon will shrink wrap around the potatoes.  Next time I might microwave the potatoes a bit first to decrease the cooking time and to cook the bacon a little less. 

The finished product.

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