Collars, Leashes, and Harnesses

Do you know that one of the simplest and most overlooked tricks to teach your dog is how to behave while walking on a leash?  Collars, leashes, and harnesses are certainly purchased frequently, but often times, the usage of these objects is limited to those infrequent visits to the local veterinary office.  There is nothing more disconcerting than a pet that cannot be controlled when on a leash with a collar or harness. 

As “Rocky,” the man-eating, intact Rottweiler, drags his caregiver through the front door of the veterinary hospital, all live bodies feel a sudden increase in heart rate.  Rocky’s mom has brought him for his rabies shot but cannot even begin to steer him in the direction of the front desk.  Rocky makes a beeline for the cat in the corner as his caregiver jerks and pulls in vain on his loose-fitting leash and collar, attempting to avert a potential feline meal in front of everyone in the lobby.  As Rocky is subdued by his owner, he turns his angst on the person at the other end of the leash.  Snarling and growling, he has effectively transformed a non-eventful morning into a very terrifying experience.  If, on the other hand, Rocky has been taught to walk on a leash with an appropriately sized collar, he would blend perfectly into the Monday morning dynamic.

Collars, leashes, and harnesses serve a variety of purposes, the most obvious being to help control your pet and prevent instances such as these.  Depending on where you reside, it is likely that there are laws in place requiring you to keep your dog on a leash.  These laws are in place to keep your pet under control and safe from unexpected accidents.   It ensures that you and your pet, as well as any strangers you may encounter, will be safe from harm and in control of any situation that may arise.  Additionally, having a pet that can walk on a leash allows you as an owner to exercise your pet and assist with training.  Being able to exercise your pet keeps him or her healthy, fit, and helps reduce any anxiety or pent-up energy.  It also promotes bonding between owner and pet and makes obedience training a more pleasant feat to accomplish.  Keeping a collar or harness on your pet also allows you to use identification tags, making your dog easy to identify if lost. 

Visit your veterinarian to discuss collars, leashes, and harnesses, as well as training methods to accompany their use.  Your veterinarian will gladly spend the time to educate you on your best available options and help you make the best choice for your pet.  It is very important to make the proper choice of collar, leash, or harness when your pet is young so that the experience of having a pet is a positive one for all family members and friends.  Please take the time to pick out appropriate collars, leashes, and harnesses for your pet.  It will make the day much easier for you, your pet, friends, neighbors, and of course, your veterinarian!

We have lots of varieties of these leashes, harnesses, and collars on our site. Anything from outdoor gear, to standard but decorative items. Check them out!

Our information is not intended to replace the advice of your veterinarian.  Do not use this information for diagnostic purposes. Always take your pet to your veterinarian to obtain a diagnosis and course of treatment. 

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