Usain the BOLT!!!
A man from the 3 million population of Jamaica, who is now the undisputed world's fastest man ... well since records have been kept.
Jamaica also will celebrate 50 years of independence from Britain. It is an interesting country. Very much still influenced by British rule. They are British in many ways. When I was in Florida for 3 and 1/2 years I went to a Jamaican Church of God, and learned a lot about Jamaica, like ... they do not want anything to do with American Blacks. Most Jamaicans are educated, they love education, they have schools (the British introduced) where they all wear uniforms, so the rich and the poor child can all be equal in school.
Yes, a small country, a small population, but big hearted, and people who are taught to give back to others if and when they make some fame or money.
So not surprising that Usain Bolt has and will yet do much in giving back to Jamaican people and children.
Yes he's a nice guy, and it's good to see nice guys win.
Jamaican people are also great singers, and love to sing. I once said to some Jamaican ladies, "Next to the Welsh, you are the most singiest people I have ever met." One of them replied, "Oh don't you know why?" I answered I did not. "Well, the first white people to come to settle Jamaica was captain Cook and his sea-faring men. They were Welsh!!!! And they taught us to sing!!!!"
Now some wonder why Bolt can run so fast. It is not rocket science really. He's 6 feet 5 inches tall, and has taught himself to move those legs like a greyhoud, obviously faster than other tall men in the sprint race (there was another 6 foot 4 inch guy running against him who could not move his legs fast enough to beat Bolt).
I must say that I wonder when some of the 6 foot 8 inch and taller men will try the 100 m race. How about some of the Basketball players .... maybe they will give it a try.
What I'm getting at is "Where does it stop in height and stride advantage." I do not want to take anything away from Bolt, but I wonder why all those tall Basketball players are not out trying to move those legs and arms in the 100 m sprint.
Sooooo....... maybe down the road they will have to have a 100 m sprint for those under 6 foot tall and another for all those over 6 feet, hummmm ..... maybe be it will get that we will need three races; one for 6 foot and under, one for 6 foot to 6 foof 6 inches; and a third for those over 6 foot 6 inches. :-)
Just a thought.
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