Upsets at the Olympics!!!
Now being the captain of my High School "soccer" team (known as Football all over the world expect North America - and why North American "football" was so named I'll never know, the foot is never used but by the kicker) the Canadian/USA lady semi-final was a great game, soccer as it should be played, men with all their pushing, grabbing, fouling, and etc. should take note.
Canada played their hearts out - a population of 33 million against a USA population of 300 million .....
well done indeed Canada. And Canada's captain - a "hat trick" of goals .... my what a classic and historic game she had.
Oh yes by the way, the call of the ref for "hands" was a terrible terrible call, a huge mistake..... no deliberate hands was as clear to see as the sun shining in a cloudless sky. Should have been no penalty kick.... and yes Canada would have beaten the USA......
Sorry USA (no not sorry really) you really did not win that game.
Synchronized swimming in the Olympics is often overlooked by most. Overlooked or could say unknown as to the mighty physical strength you must have to do that sport. Seen some indepth documentaries on the subject. You have to be in fantastic fitness and body control, balance, breath holding. It is a skill that truly does need hours and hours of practice and much physical strength.
It blows me away how they can do it all. Fantastic!
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