Some FINE examples of SPORTSMANSHIP!

IF YOU'VE BEEN FOLLOWING THE LONDON OLYMPICS you will have heard and seen some very fine examples of sportsmanship.

It is good and inspiring to see that true sportsmanship has not been completely lost in this age of selfishness and "win at all costs" world.

It has been good to see people that were thought to maybe be "over the hill" come and take gold, or silver or bronze.

It has been good to see people just being there to do their best, go beyond their best, though they were never really in the class of medalists.

It has been something to see some near perfect scores, amazing to see how they've perfected their skill to make it look simple, when you know it is not simple at all.

The Bible tells us to laugh with those who laugh (of course the correct laughing), to rejoice with those who rejoice, to cry with those who cry. So I've shed a few tears with those who shed them for disappointment when they did (for various reasons) not do the best as they've done before; and I've shed a few tears with those who shed them in joy as they moved beyond whatever they've done in the past, even getting a medal.

Did you hear about the Canadian guy (who won gold in the last Olympics) who fell down on his bike and took out the guy just behind him. The fellow who was taken down wrote this beautiful letter on his facebook. It was his first Olympics and he said among other lovely things, how he was so privileged to have  ridden next to this Canadian man, who won gold in the last Olympics.

My oh my, now that is the true spirit of real sportsmanship!!

This is the way it will be in the age to come, true sportsmanship will be back with a blast, the above example I've just talked about will be the norm of things. People will respect each other, they will love each other. We shall all know we are God's children.

Have you listened to the applause of the 80 thousand people in the "track and field" stadium for all and everyone who received a medal, no matter their color, their nation ..... the British and ALL people from all nations in that 80 thousand have shown respect, love, and sportsmanship, to all athletes.

It has been one of the greatest Olympics in the last 100 years.

Now just think how even greater it will be in the WONDERFUL AGE TO COME!!

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