Mercola and "skin"
--> has an article on healthy skin.

All but 2 points I would agree on.

He says don't eat carbohydrates including whole wheats. And go on a gluten free diet.

Now, he's probably right IF you have skin troubles, due to serious medical problems of some sort.

But for those who have no skin troubles per se, whole wheats should be a part of your diet. They contain vitamins and minerals and other things that make for a healthy diet.

Now I do not eat much of any whole grain products today, but that is to keep my weight under control, just as I do not eat potatoes any more (used to love baked potatoes with butter once or twice a week) to again keep my weight under control.

I have seen that many people have pimples on their face due to just eating way more sugar products than they should. Here I'm not talking about people having bad skin for more serious medical problems, just talking about pimple face-skin because of way more sugar in their system than should be.

The other 8 or so points Mercola gives for healthy skin are indeed good general health laws.

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