Benign Stridor Often Mistaken for Laryngospasm

Laryngospasm causes a high-pitched squeak or wheezing sound when a person is trying to breath due to abnormal vocal cord movement. Watch video regarding this condition.

Larygnospasm (the most severe form of vocal cord dysfunction) is commonly misdiagnosed as asthma and patients may go for years labelled as asthmatic even though they may not have it at all.

However, though laryngospasm is often the victim of misdiagnosis, there is a condition known as non-organic stridor which is often misdiagnosed as laryngospasm (culprit as well as victim of misdiagnosis).

Here is a video example (watch the movie clip all the way to the end) of a patient with non-organic stridor who was initially misdiagnosed with asthma, than misdiagnosed as having vocal cord dysfunction/laryngospasm before being finally correctly diagnosed with having non-organic stridor.