Pertussis - whooping cough - alarming rise!!

In the USA and parts of Canada the rise of the number of people (in the thousands) is causing alarm in North America.

Babies are too young to be vaccinated, and they say you need 6 or so vaccinations or booster shots from childhood to age 18. Of course the medical world blames it on ..... people not getting the 6 shots to adulthood. But then that is not the end, as they admit the vaccine wears off. So with all that, does it mean you should be vaccinated for whooping cough all your life? Some in the medical world and drug companies would love it to be so.

Does anyone ask "With all the vaccinations going on, why do some of these common deseases come back every ex number of decades?"

The drug companies would love everyone to be vaccinated for everything every ex number of years; sure it would be big money in the bank for them. A guarantee of income just from vaccinations.

Of course the drug companies and medical world would never ask the question, "Would the mixture of vaccinations cause terrible effects in the long run?"

The truth of the matter is that you need to build (through good balanced healthy diet) a STRONG immune system. This with clean water and sanitation would solve most of the world's common sicknesses that either cause serious body troubles or kill you.

It is indeed the world following the health laws given by God to ancient Israel under Moses, that God said, "I will put none of these deseases upon you." Breaking health laws bring a kick that hits you in the place you really feel it and do not want it.

Now in today's world the sad fact is because the world does not follow the health laws of the Eternal we have a world where whooping cough comes back, and where vaccines under a certain very young age, cannot be given (IF we go with the idea that vaccines can prevent or cure whooping cough, which is another question all by itself).

It is sad to realize whooping cough is back and know doubt will kill more in the next months, some being just babies.

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