and "Suppliments"
--> has a good article on the facts of suppliments and what is REALLY dangerous to your health.

Of course the Medical industry wants to "poo-poo" suppliments and does not want you to know how dangerous some aspects of their industry is the real danger to your health.

Yes the medical world can do some wonderful things, that we truly need to be thankful for, but at the same time you need to know the danger from the same industry. The book "A Medical Heretic" by the late Dr.Mendolson with give you a great deal of the "rest of the story" (as the late Paul Harvey used to say on his radio bleep)  about the Medical World.

Suppliments ... yes I take about a dozen each day, all for specific reasons, some for the health of the prostate, bones, arteries, general body health, and some because of the diet I must stay on to avoid being over-weight (i.e. I no longer eat whole grain breads on a regular basis, so I take vitamin E suppliment, for vitamin E comes from whole grain breads). I take a garlic suppliment because galic is mighty good for you. Though I eat fruits and vegies, I still take vitamin C for general body health. I take a "D" suppliment because in Canada they say we do not get enough sun on a year round basis. I take a 50 plus vitamin/mineral suppliment, being over 50 years old. Minerals are very important, which most people do not realize. I think my hair is still 3/4 its natural color because of the minerals I take from a suppliment and from licorice I eat a few times a week (Molasses having lots of minerals). I take a "B12" tablet because they say B12 comes from meat, and I eat little of it, not for any specific reason, just not a big meat eater, I can go for months without meat and it bothers me not at all.

So for me suppliments are very important because of the diet I'm on to keep from getting over-weight. When I was younger I could eat 3 good meals a day (healthy variety meals) and not gain an ounce; after the age of 40 that was no longer the case, hence less certain foods and so hence more suppliments. For me hitting 60 was another step my body took, so even less certain foods and hence more suppliments.

Now that is me, for you it may not be the same, and you may not go through body metabolism changes at certain ages in life, then you may, as I did. So for me suppilments have become very important.

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