In Loving Memory ♥ Julie Wright ♥ Forever in my Heart

My dear friend, Julie Wright, will experience eternal love, joy and peace from this day forward. She lost her challenging fight (and, did she fight) from triple negative breast cancer, an extremely aggressive form of breast cancer that affects approximately 10% of all breast cancer victims.

Julie and I have been very close friends (soul sistas) for nearly 20 years. She was an incredible woman full of beauty, brains, and dreams with a passion for living life to its fullest. Julie was one of my very favorite people that I have had the pleasure of doing life with…a definite blessing. We shared many fun and cherished memories. Adored and loved by many, Julie was a single mom of three amazing children, Jessica, David and Dane. In celebration of Julie’s loving heart, spirit and life.

When we fall ill there are some who will say, "Why did you create that for yourself?" They might convince you to see it as a sign of spiritual weakness or failure. It is not. It is a sign of spiritual strength. All challenges are a sign of spiritual strength, and of the readiness of the Soul to move on; to evolve even further.” ~Neale Donald Walsh

Julie Wright

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