"I'll Have Another" - will NOT!
The odds of this Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner coming on the scene to capture the hearts of many (a come from behind winner) does not happen that often. The horse called "I'll Have Another" had no great blood lines, and was bought by a Canadian fellow for $11,000 - yes that is ELEVEN THOUSAND dollars, just a dirt cheap horse in the high end of Thoroughbred racing.
I have a few photos on my Facebook page under "Goldie and I at the Ranch" of my very first horse - a beautiful registered Thoroughbred Mare - the photos are black and whit and so her color does not come out. Looking at "I'll Have Another" .... well my first horse looked just like him - that red color - as I knew it then .... sorrel, and I think the word "sorrel" is better that "chestnut" - in my humble opinion.
"I'll Have Another" has come down with "tendonitis" - a swelling of the tendon that runs down the back of the front legs from the knee down. My horse Goldie came down with it late last summer. Rest and rest and more rest, as she got over the winter, and it heals. Today she can run again like the wind. I will video her this summer as I run her flat out like a bullet, and put it on my Youtube for you to see her speed and beauty - like Roy Rogers' horse Trigger, who was indeed very fast.
So in time the tendon of "I'll Have Another" will heal, and given enough time, like they gave to Seabiscuit, the horse could well run again, as Seabiscuit did. But that is not how they work today in Thoroughbred horse racing (Seabiscuit ran races till he was 10 years old). Such a horse as "I'll Have Another" is worth MILLIONS at stud - he can be very happy with the Mares brought to him :-)
Well while this recent horse story was going, it did give us a little lift in a world of sadness, pain and suffering. It was a little pretty red horse that did give us another hope that life does have it's come from behind winners.
Thanks "I'll Have Another" even if you will not; just the way the cards sometimes fall in the horse racing world, but we are glad you will continue to live.
Yes a horse that came out of nowhere, from a nowhere background, with a nowhere price tag, and showed us he had grit and determination to win.
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