Reflections from a Cracked Pot
by Lisa Smith
Letting His Light shine through the cracks....
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
2 Corinthians 4:6-7.
We are all cracked pots. We all fall short of the glory of God, and yet we are God's plan for bringing His Good News to all the world. This is totally amazing news to me. We are entrusted with His message and yet we are broken people. This is no surprise to God. He knows each crack, each weakness, every single flaw. Yet if we allow Him access to our brokenness, our cracks if you will, these are the very places in which others will encounter Jesus.
His light shines through the cracks. Has the Lord ever redeemed your brokenness and used it to point someone far away closer to Jesus? Did they see His redemption at work in your life? Did they find a hope as you let His light shine into their darkness?
My what a truth is contained in what you have just read. Yes, I'm sure people can look at you and say they remember how many mistakes, error, sins, they saw in you..... how imperfect you were at times. So it is that God takes sinners and brings them to Himself, so His light can shine to others through your cracks of imperfectness. I think an old car bumper sticker went something like: "Be patient with me, God is not through with me yet."
Or maybe you did not see any cracks in yourself. I've just finished going over in the book of Philippians on my Youtube, the section where Paul could boast about his un-crackedness as far as the "standard" of his Pharisee religion he was in - pretty blameless - very high standard indeed he reached in the eyes of "people" he rubbed shoulders with. But on finding Christ, to find Christ, he counted it all but DUNG! He realized he was pretty cracked up. Even when he found Christ, the crackes did not just fanish away. He missed the mark, he had cracks at times ..... oh yes you bet he did. Just read Romans 7. It will gives us encouragement for the times we crack up as we walk along our Christian road, and just as in Paul's case, God can still shine through our cracks to reach other people with the glorious light of the Gospel.
All this should give us courage and inspiration to keep on keeping on, to fight the good fight, and to do the work of the Lord that lies before us.
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