Notice Psalm 40!!

However long we are reading and studying the Bible there is something always new to find.

What a book....always something new to discover.

Tonight - Passover night - look at Psalm 40. Tonight it hit me right between the eyes. David said he could not lift up his head because his iniquities were MORE THAN THE HAIR ON HIS HEAD.

And I don't think David was bald. Sure it may have been a figure of speech David was using, then whatever age he was at the time, looking back maybe he could have indeed been literally speaking.

The main thing to get out of this is that David will be in the Kingdom of God. He was a man after God's own heart, so it is written in the New Testament. It means that though our sins be many indeed, sometimes like David we don't want to lift our head up. The positive out of all this is that if we have the heart of David, a humble, repentant heart, a mind-set that really does want to serve and obey God, as David wrote about so many times in the Psalms; it means we also can have the mercy and grace of God. It means that we can have a heart that makes us "a man/woman after God's own heart."

The Psalms are so wonderful, because they cover every emotion of our physical life. And they cover so many of the trials of life that come to human beings. They are filled with the absolute positive encouragement that if we remain humble-repentant and love to serve God's commandments (which is the way we love God with all our heart, mind, and life), we shall receive the Father's grace and mercy, that will save us into His Kingdom, just as it saved David.

So whoever you are out there, that has not yet accepted Christ as your personal Savior, you who are maybe holding back because like David you have a head-full of sins, your too many sins you think are too many..... well you've just seen David thought he had a head-full of sins also, but he knew they were not too many for God to wipe away. David found the grace of God. You can also.

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