Wild Animals?
The so-called "Tiger man of Africa" (who films them close quarters) got mauled and is fortunate to be alive...... crazy it is, doing such things.
And an Elephant in Ireland made a break for freedom in a parking lot, nobody injured, but a car damaged.
The time will come when in the age to come God will change the nature of wild animals, so we can have them for pets, but until then we should be leaving them in the wild, filming from a good distance (with our space-age zoom lenses).....we should let them be, we have all kinds of animals God has given us to enjoy at close quarters (even some of them we have to be careful with as you can get a bad one now and again, like as in dogs and horses). Why people have to bother with wild animals kinda blows my mind. They enjoy being wild, leave them be, and let's enjoy the domesticated animals....why bother taking a chance on naturally "wild" ones. But some people just love to take "chances" or they figure they are God and have changed the animals instinct, problem is many of those wild ones have huge teeth and claws, or they are so big like the elephant they can crush you like you are a fly.
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