Autism Skyrockets!!

On the ABC News tonight....Autism is SKYROCKETING in the USA.

They are not sure as to why.

They say (1) If your child pulls away when you pick them up (2) If they do not respond to their name, i.e. turn around if their back is to you when you call their name......go to your doctor and have them checked out.

So MUCH of your "apple" whatever is made in China. The company that makes much of it, is going to re-organize to give employees better working conditions....down to 48 hours a week for same pay. Steve Jobs never went over to China to see the conditions people were working under, but the new "boss" has just done so. go into an Apple Store (as I did today) and and ... well the price of the whatever, they then tell you you should take out an extended warranty for a two or three year extension at a few hundred dollars or more..... Ya I guess they know it's made in China and who knows how well it made.....Now after the new boss of Apple has gone over to China maybe they'll make double sure it is well made from the best materials. Time will tell I guess with tens of millions around the world now using something from Apple.

The "red slime" stuff that has been getting lots of news lately is now that people know it's in the meat, is making a huge downward buying trend, I guess so; I mean you'll got who knows what already in meat (all the meat that is not organic) and then they want to add "red slime" somethings or other. I guess they should not be surprised that consumers ain't buying it.

Now cancer overall (every type of) is down some in the USA, BUT up - more of - in overweight people, and those who will not exercise. So just one more proof that making sure you do not go over your range of weight and that you get up and exercise, IS IMPORTANT.....if you ignore those two things your chance of getting cancer goes up.

The "King of the 5 string Banjo" died today - Earl Scruggs - he was 88. Yes he invented that style of lightening fast sound on the Banjo. I have one Banjo student whose been with me....well this is his 5th year, he's 17 now, and we just got through doing one from Earl's book.

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