Sandra’s Success Story

Here’s a story from one of my clients that I felt compelled to share with you. Life-changing stories like Sandra’s keeps my passion alive and makes what I do so worthwhile and rewarding. Smile 

From Sandra: Client TestimonialI am 46 years young, have a wonderful, hardworking husband and two amazing teenagers. My life is very busy running two of our businesses and cheering on my two active teens.

For the past three years I had been experiencing severe, intense pain throughout my entire body, mainly in my back, neck, shoulders and chest to the point where I had a hard time taking deep breaths, laughing or crying. My pain was so debilitating that if I didn't take 800mg of ibuprofen every 5 hours, I could hardly function.

Sandra, her husband, and their childrenAfter seeing over a dozen different doctors and specialists in my Southern California area, not one of them could tell me why I was experiencing so much pain. They just said it was fibromyalgia and prescribed me drug upon drug. After researching fibromyalgia and talking to people that say they have it, my symptoms weren't anything like that. I was so frustrated!

I was sitting in the waiting room at my chiropractor when I received an email from Paula in which the subject line was "Are You Tired of Being in Chronic Pain?" I stepped outside the waiting room and called Paula immediately. That is when everything changed --- the turning point in my life to be free of my chronic pain.

Paula assured me she would help me, and that I was not crazy. She explained that many of the foods I was eating were causing excess inflammation in my body.

Paula reviewed my blood work and designed a new eating and supplement plan for me, her Ultimate Personal Plan. She insisted I eliminate sugar, soy, dairy, gluten and wheat immediately. I had an eye opening moment. What I sincerely believed was healthy eating was actually driving me away from health rather than leading me closer to it.

Within the next three weeks I could not believe how much better I was feeling. I have more energy; I am sleeping better, and I dropped 10 pounds! Not only that, for the first time in years I was finally experiencing regular bowel movements. After following Paula’s program for just three months, my life changed dramatically. I am completely pain free and have returned to my regular workouts after not being able to barely move for six months. My regular doctor still doesn't have a clue as to the reason for my pain. When I tried to explain to him that there is something in my diet causing the pain and inflammation, he looks at me as though I am crazy.

I am so thankful for Paula and the time she took to help me. I have not felt or looked this good in years. I now feel amazing! I always thought I was pretty healthy, but after following Paula's recommendations I not only feel healthy, I look healthy. My hair, nails and skin all look younger. People come up to me daily and say, “what are you doing? You look so much healthier.” 

While it was one of the most difficult undertakings of my life, I would engage in it 200 times over because the benefits are well worth it. I love the way I feel, and I have my life back. Thank you Paula, for not only changing my life, but the life of my family, because now I can be the wife and mom I want to be.

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