Natural Remedies for Depression, Anxiety & Mood Disorders
An astounding one in four American women and one in seven men take prescription drugs for stress, insomnia, anxiety and depression. The World Health Organization states that depression is the leading cause of disability affecting more than 120 million people worldwide. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly 15 million American adults suffer from major depression and 40 million more have anxiety disorders.
Prescriptions for SSRIs rose by a staggering 1300 percent in a ten year period from 1990 to 2000! In 2010, antidepressants were the second most commonly prescribed type of medication in the U.S. with over $12 billion spent on antidepressants.
Women are three times more likely to use antidepressants than men. Twenty-five percent of women age 40-50 and approximately five percent of children and teens ages 12-19 take antidepressants. The use of antidepressants in children and teens ages 6-18 has dramatically increased in the past decade.
Unfortunately, the importance of gut health, addressing underlying bacterial, fungal, yeast, Candida and parasite infections, bacterial & microbiota imbalances, high toxic loads, sufficient vitamin D status, correcting nutrient deficiencies, appropriate type and amount of exercise, sunlight, MTHFR deficiency, taking a probiotic, healthy functioning adrenals and eating a nutrient-dense real food diet are frequently and sadly ignored when it comes to anxiety, depression, and mental and emotional disorders.
Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers in the brain, communication molecules that turn on and off various peripheral tissues and organs, particularly muscles. Neurotransmitters affect energy levels, mood, sleep quality, cravings, ability to focus, memory, digestion and so much more.
Depression has been known to be associated with neurotransmitter imbalances such as serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. Dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine are excitatory neurotransmitters that affect energy, motivation, ability to focus and experience pleasure. Serotonin affects mood, sleep, energy levels, bowel function and cravings. Some symptoms of low serotonin levels include sadness, insomnia, depression, anxiety and low libido. GABA ensures relaxation, harmony and the ability to de-stress. The goal of most prescription insomnia, seizure and anti-anxiety medication is to normalize GABA as their primary target. Acetylcholine is the source of the brain's ability to process and recall information quickly.
Small deficiencies in any of the neurotransmitters exhibit as mild symptoms that can be treated first with diet because each of these brain chemicals has a natural nutrient precursor.
A nutrient-dense, real food diet, nutritional therapy, reducing sources of inflammation and supplements are especially helpful for depression, anxiety and mood disorders.
Most patented antidepressants “work” by boosting the levels of mood-regulating neurotransmitters in the brain. Although the FDA and other licensing authorizes have approved SSRIs and other antidepressants for the treatment of depression, there are some doubts about their clinical efficacy. Meta-analyses of antidepressant drugs published in PLoS Medicine have reported only modest benefits over placebo treatment. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry revealed that antidepressant drugs work no better than talk therapy or placebo pills at relieving depression. In yet another study with 2,500 subjects, researchers at the Yale University School of medicine found that 20% of those taking drugs for depression actually do worse than people who were given a placebo not containing any drug.
No One is Drug Deficient. Antidepressants, OTC and prescription drugs for mood disorders, insomnia and anxiety do NOT address the root cause. These drugs are just band-aids!
Long-term use of these drugs come with an extensive list of side effects including:
* Diabetes | * Immune dysfunction | * Increased risk of heart disease |
* Nausea | * Altered brain function | * Decreased bonding w/partner |
* Dizziness | * Weight gain or loss | * Detachment from reality |
* Infertility | * Anxiety, psychosis, suicidal ideation | * Permanent neurological damage |
* Brittle bones | * Headaches | * Constipation or diarrhea |
* Birth defects | * Agitation, acts of violence | * Increased risk of stroke |
* Low libido | * Insomnia | * Weakness and fatigue |
And ladies, if you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, avoid antidepressants at all costs! According to a study published in the online edition of Pediatrics, SSRIs used during pregnancy are linked to autism and developmental delays. About 4,000 families in the U.S. have children born with major birth defects each year because of antidepressants taken in pregnancy. Up to 20,000 women per year miscarry as a result of these toxic drugs.
Aside from their side effects, antidepressants can alter the biochemistry of the brain and can be very difficult to discontinue. According to Court Vreeland, a diplomat in chiropractic neurology, anti-anxiety and insomnia meds should NEVER be used long term (longer than 3 months) due to alterations in brain plasticity.
Depression and anxiety are signs that your Body and Life are Out of Balance.
Triggers & Factors to Consider with Depression, Anxiety & Mood Disorders
Only when the root cause is identified and dealt with can true healing occur.
* Hypoglycemia. Blood sugar problems | * Neurotransmitter imbalances. Amino acid deficiencies. |
* Protein deficiency | * Gut dysfunction (90% of serotonin is in the gut) |
* Essential fatty acid deficiency | * Gut pathogens, H. pylori, fungus, Candida, parasites |
* Food sensitivities & intolerances | * Heavy metal body burdens & environmental toxins |
* Vitamin D and sunlight deficiency | * Nutrient deficiencies (thiamine, B vitamins, Mg, zinc) |
* Adrenal Dysfunction | * Standard American Diet (SAD) |
* Hypothyroid and Hashimoto’s | * Psychological stress & emotional trauma |
* Lyme’s disease | * Prior head trauma, injuries & traumatic brain injuries |
* Dental poisoning | * Unresolved emotional issues |
* Moldy environments | * Pharmaceutical & OTC meds (common in the elderly) |
* Lack of healthy gut flora | * Poor methylation. MTHFR deficiency. Genetics. |
* Addictions: Sugar. Drugs. Alcoholism. | * Chronic inflammation & pain. Illness. |
* Vitamin D deficiency | * Magnesium, Zinc & B vitamin deficiencies |
* Insomnia. Sleep apnea. | * Chronic viral and bacterial infections |
Important Pearls of wisdom…..Did you know?
- The shift away from traditional lifestyles has been linked to increased rates of depression and other mental health disorders.
- Diets high in sugar, processed foods and refined grains is linked to an increased risk of developing depression.
- Men who are depressed are more likely than women to mask symptoms with alcohol.
- Unhealthy bacteria and imbalances in the microbiota (gut flora) greatly influence mood and can lead to anxiety and an increased risk of depression.
- Inflammation drives depression to serotonin depletion. An inflamed gut = an inflamed brain increasing risk of depression and dementia.
- Low levels of folate are linked to depression in the elderly. A study in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that nursing home residents taking SSRIs increased their risk of falling by 300 percent.
- The second brain is through the gut, known as the gut-brain axis. Anything that affects the gut, affects the brain. An inflamed gut is an inflamed, irritable brain. A leaky gut is a leaky brain!
- The majority of serotonin is made in the gut, not the brain. Hence, the importance of healing the gut first!
- Low free T3 is associated with depression.
- Toxins in the environment and our food supply (pesticides, GMOs, heavy metals, lead, mercury, xenoestrogens) interfere with neurotransmitters.
- Studies show that there’s an elevated risk of depressive symptoms in healthy adults with blood chemistry indicative of insulin resistance, hypoglycemia and diabetes.
- There is a connection between depression, anxiety and diabetes and alcoholism.
- Statin drug use is linked to depression and diabetes.
- Very low cholesterol, <150 is associated with a significantly increased risk of developing depression.
- Bipolar symptoms can be related to Lyme disease. Hence the importance of testing for and ruling out Lyme’s disease.
- Higher levels of inflammation increase the risk of developing depression. Depression has also been linked to an increased inflammatory marker in the blood, C-reactive protein (CRP).
- There is an inverse relationship between nutrient deficiencies and depression particularly vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins (e.g., folate, B12 and thiamine), zinc and magnesium.
- Women who do not consume red meat are twice as likely to experience anxiety or depression disorders.
- What happened in early childhood, in utero and sometimes even before conception through epigenetics influence your innate biochemistry and increase susceptibility to depression.
- The amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine and methionine are often helpful in treating depression and many mood disorders.
- Neurotransmitter levels (sufficiency, excess or deficiency) are unique to each individual.
- Methylation is crucial for neurotransmitter production. Serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine & norepinephrine all depend on methylation.
- Stress, poor diet, neurotoxins, genetic predisposition, drugs (Rx, OTC & recreational), infections, alcohol & caffeine can cause neurotransmitter imbalances.
Natural Remedies for Depression & Tips to Relieve Anxiety Naturally
A healthy functioning brain starts with using food as medicine. Nutrient-dense, real foods, a healthy lifestyle and exercise program, and necessary supplementation. Small deficiencies in any neurotransmitter or nutrient will exhibit as mild symptoms of anxiety, depression and other mental disorders that can be remedied first with diet, because each of these brain chemicals has a natural nutrient precursor.
► Fix the Gut. Over 2/3 of neurotransmitters are made in the gut. The majority of serotonin, 90-95%, is made in the gut not the brain. If your gut is inflamed, infected or not functioning optimally, production of neurotransmitters will be impaired resulting in depression. The intestinal barrier may be compromised in depression, which causes leaky gut and many other digestive ailments. Psychological stress and exhaustive exercise have been shown to increase gut permeability.
The gut has a profound impact on the brain. Taking care of your gut is taking care of your brain. Digestive and elimination problems inhibit absorption of nutrients thereby causing nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, mood disorders and brain dysfunction. The second brain is through the gut (gut-brain axis). The gut has more neurons and produces more neurotransmitters than the brain. Your brain is connected to your gut and vice versa. An inflamed gut is an inflamed brain just as a leaky gut is a leaky brain. An inflamed, leaky brain increases risk of depression, bipolar, mood disorders and dementia.
Intestinal microbiota are important in normal healthy brain function and have a powerful influence on the brain. The gut-brain involves intestinal microbiota. The delicate balance of your gut ecosystem determines how you look, think and function. The flora in your gut helps maintain brain function and influences risk of psychiatric and neurological disorders including anxiety, depression, bipolar, dementia, autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
► Food is medicine…food is a drug! A processed, sugar- and carb-heavy diet depletes the brain of necessary fuel stores because of rapid blood sugar fluctuations resulting in blood sugar imbalances, insulin spikes and higher cortisol secretion, which intensify existing problems.
- Stabilizing blood sugar is especially important in preventing episodes of anxiety, depression and mood problems.
- A study in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry has shown that unhealthy maternal and early postnatal dietary patterns (sugar, processed carbs, fast foods, high-sugar beverages, high-sodium snacks) elevate the risk of behavioral and emotional problems in children.
- Eat 12-15 servings of organic leafy greens daily! Leafy greens are one of the highest sources of folate, which is crucial for depression and anxiety.
- Identify food sensitivities, which compromise brain function.
- Eliminate offending inflammatory foods that negatively impact mood, the brain and the gut. The common culprits include sugar, gluten, wheat and ALL processed grains, GMOs, pesticides, pasteurized dairy products, casein, corn, soda, HFCS, artificial sweeteners, colors and dyes, soy, vegetable oils and processed foods.
- Consume an anti-inflammatory, nutrient-rich, real food diet. Avoid low calorie diets, low-fat diets, sugar, fructose, grains, processed carbs and processed that are directly linked to depression due to the depletion of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and amino acids caused by consuming these items.
- Polyphenols and other phytochemicals found in turmeric, cocoa, green tea, coffee, blueberries, pomegranate, saffron and raw honey have been been documented to provide anti-depressive properties.
- Sip on a cup of green tea or cocoa: blend raw cacao, water, grass-fed butter, coconut oil and stevia in a Vitamix or high-powered blender. Dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% stimulates the production of endorphins (the "feel-good" hormones) and releases serotonin.
- Coffee is linked to a lower risk of clinical depression, particularly in women as long as one is able to metabolize it. In a ten-year study of over 50,000 women, the results showed a negative correlation between suicide rates and drinking coffee! It was suggested that caffeine blocks the effects of unhappy hormones on our brain and reduces feelings of depression. This applies to organic coffee only!
- Eat an organic diet that includes healthy, healing fats, tons of veggies and leafy greens, carbs such as yams, berries and sweet potatoes, fermented foods, plenty of clean animal protein (full of amino acids) at every meal and foods rich in tryptophan (cashews, pumpkin seeds, chicken, turkey). Protein contains amino acids, which are precursors for neurotransmitters.
- Are you drinking enough water? The regulation of water balance and electrolytes is essential for the maintenance of mental and physical health, and healthy brain function.
- Excessive alcohol consumption is linked with a higher risk of depression. Men in particular often resort to alcohol when depressed. However, when consumed in modest amounts (5 to 15g per day), alcohol (red wine in particular) has been associated with a lower risk of depression.
► Tame the Flame…Reduce inflammation. The role of oxidative stress and inflammation are emerging as a viscous cycle that directly influences the brain and alters mood. The combination of the two appear to be both a cause and a consequence of depression. One must determine the root cause of the inflammation. In addition to diet, other sources of hidden inflammation include gut issues (leaky gut, dysbiosis, H. pylori, SIBO), mycotoxins, heavy metal toxicity, chronic infections (viral, bacterial, fungal, Candida), low vitamin D levels, periodontal disease, obstructive sleep apnea, GMOs, and mental and emotional stressors plus more.
► Nutrient Deficiencies. Balance body chemistry with a Nutrition via a Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis. Evaluate your metabolic status to identify your unique nutrient deficiencies or excesses that have a direct impact on mood..
► MTHFR deficiency. MTHFR is the enzyme needed to process folate. Many studies, going back to the 1960s, show an elevated incidence of folate deficiency in those with depression. As many as 60% of the population has inherited a defective copy of the gene that makes this MTHFR, a condition that makes it harder for folate to get into the brain. Folate in the brain is the necessary building block for many neurotransmitters.
► OTC & prescription drugs such as antibiotics, sleep medications and NSAIDs adversely affect the brain and gut. Antidepressants, anti-anxiety and insomnia medications alter brain plasticity. A study published in the British Medical Journal found that people who take prescription sleeping pills regularly are nearly five times more likely to die within 2.5 years and have four times a higher rate of cognitive dysfunction and dementia compared to those who do not take the drugs. Clinical pearl – addiction to sleep aids is often an indication of depression.
► Sleep. There’s a link between sleep deprivation and depression. Those who sleep less than or more than 7-9 hours a night have an increased risk for depressive symptoms. The key to successful treatment of depression is prioritizing restful, uninterrupted sleep and addressing insomnia. Check out these Sleep Solutions
► Less screen time. Digital Detox. High frequency of smart phones, computer, iPads, social media and television increase psychological stress, sleep problems, symptoms of depression and mental health problems.
While blue light is beneficial during the day improving alertness and performance, blue light is problematic at night causing sleep problems, suppressing melatonin production, increasing cortisol and altering circadian rhythms. The blue light emitted from smart phones, iPads, TV and computers at night reduces sleep quality and quantity, increases risk of mood disorders, depression and anxiety, and impacts memory and brain function. Tips to Reduce EMF Exposure
► Full–spectrum lighting and sunlight without sunscreen 20 minutes daily.
► Exercise. Scientists at UT Southwestern Medical Center found that moderate and intense daily exercise works just as well as antidepressant drugs. For women who had a family history of mental illness, moderate exercise worked best. For those who had no family history, intense exercise was more effective. More intense exercise was most beneficial for men in general. While aerobic exercise will temporarily increase feedback to the brain, anaerobic weight training produces a more permanent affect.
► Optimize Adrenal Function. The health of the adrenals directly influence our physiological and emotional well-being. Adrenal insufficiency is the most common hormonal imbalance in women. Healthy functioning adrenals are sadly overlooked when it comes to depression, anxiety, hormone imbalances, thyroid disorders, menopause problems and optimal health.
► Vitamin “N” (Nature). Vitamin N is a super effective antidote to naturally optimize cortisol levels, reduce oxidative stress, lower anxiety & stress hormones, raise serotonin, improve sleep quality, increase vitamin D, avoid noise pollution, lower inflammation & connect with God.
Studies show exercising in nature has a positive impact on mood as compared to exercising indoors, and is associated with greater feelings of restoration, increased energy, and decreased tension, confusion, anger and depression.
Sounds from nature reduce stress hormones, facilitate recovery from psychological stress and activate DNA segments responsible for healing and repairing the body better than noise from urban environments.
Are you suffering from “Nature Deficit Disorder” (NDD)? Take a break from artificial lighting, stressful, noisy environments, iPads, smart phones and the television, and experience the peace, beauty and natural healing power of nature.
► Consistent daily practice of Mind-Body techniques. Yoga, Qi gong, Tai Chi, prayer, meditation, mindfulness breathing, diaphragmatic belly breathing, and a connection with God, a Higher Power, Source or any type of spiritual practice can switch on and off certain genes linked to stress and have proven effective for anxiety and depression. A study in Psycho-Oncology showed a 50 percent reduction in depression and a 12 percent increase in feelings of peace after practicing restorative, yin or gentle yoga.
► Meditation. According to a study published in the journal BMJ Open, the more meditation participants engage in, the greater the improvement in their mental health. Participants reported a 58 percent reduction in anxiety, a 57 percent reduction in depression and a 40 percent reduction in stress. The key is consistent daily practice.
► Amino Acid Therapy. Amino acid imbalances are linked to everything from depression to anxiety to fibromyalgia. Most depressed and anxious individuals have low levels of amino acids. Amino acids work well as neurotransmitter precursors and agonists. The amino acids tryptophan (5-HTP), tyrosine, GABA, phenylalanine (DPA) and methionine are often helpful in treating many mood disorders including depression. And, just as important is determining the cause of low levels. Quite often, that cause turns out to be hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid) or achlohydria (no stomach acid).
►Take a walk outdoors every day. Hippocrates said it best, "Walking is a man's best medicine."
► Attitude of Gratitude. Those that express gratitude through logging things, people or experiences they’re grateful for in a gratitude journal are happier, more optimistic and tend to exercise more.
► Identify your personal stressors, your perception to stress, and practice some form of de-stressing activity every day. Chronic stress and depression are associated with accelerated aging. Stress-less Solutions
► Bodywork. Craniosacral therapy, chiropractic, massage, EFT, osteopathic manipulative therapy, aromatherapy with essential oils and acupuncture are all helpful therapies for anxiety, stress, depression and mood disorders.
► Keep a Journal. Expressive writing is especially helpful for those who have experienced a traumatic event. Spend anywhere from 2-10 minutes a few times per week writing your thoughts and feelings. Expressing your story through writing in a diary increases happiness, encourages a solution, and boosts psychological and physical well-being.
► Consider how your choices, mindset, self-talk and circumstances may be affecting your outlook on life. Look at your environment, sleep patterns, what you eat, how you spend your time and with whom you spend it. Be kind to yourself. Love and nurture yourself. Take some time to determine what feels and works best for you. Always fuel your body with nutrient-rich real food. Nourish yourself with plenty of vitamin L (love), kindness and compassion. Practice the “I AM A-Z Exercise” every single day.
► Nutrient Support is essential for proper brain health and mood regulation. It’s important to identify personal nutrient deficiencies, which will be different for each person. The following have been specifically connected to resiliency against depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and improvement in depressive symptoms:
- Essential fatty acids (clean high-quality fish oil): EFA Sirt Supreme provides essential basic building blocks of brain cells. It can ease anxiety while also enhancing many other brain functions.
- Vitamin D. Low vitamin D is associated with significant symptoms of depression, anxiety, mood and mental disorders.
- B vitamins, specifically B6, B12, folate and thiamine. It’s estimated that 40% of the population is deficient in vitamin B12. Folate and B12 deficiencies can lead to dementia, brain shrinkage and cognitive problems that result in depression, brain fog, fatigue, anemia, neurological damage, and other health complications. Top 10 Causes for B12 Deficiency
- Zinc deficiency has been linked to depression. Zinc modulates the brain and body’s response to stress. An easy test to determine if you’re deficient in zinc is to take a look at your fingernails. If you see white spots under the nails, chances are you’re low on zinc. Hair loss is another symptom of zinc deficiency. Other tests for zinc deficiency include serum alkaline phosphate values <70 and the aqueous zinc taste test (contact my office for instructions).
- Probiotics decrease anxiety, diminish perceptions of stress, improve mental outlook and support a balanced microbiota.
- Balance electrolytes – potassium, calcium and sodium.
- Filtered water. The brain tissue is approximately 75 percent water.
As with any form of treatment, nutritional therapy should be supervised and doses should be adjusted as necessary to achieve optimal results.
Other nutrients & supplemental support helpful for depression and anxiety may include any of the following….again, specific to each individual and their unique biochemistry:
- Curcumin. Turmeric (curcumin): Meriva-SR Study found that curcumin and Prozac were equivalent in effectiveness without the side effects that come with Prozac
- Glycine
- Adrenal support
- SAM-e
- Inositol
- GABA (98% of the GABA on the market is synthetically produced) quality matters
- Methylated form of folate (Methylguard, 5-MTHF Plus Forte)
- Saffron, a spice that acts similar to a serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
- Phosphatidylyserine
- Phosphatidylcholine
- L-tyrosine
- Taurine
- 5-HTP. If you take 5-HTP, make sure to also take B6 phosphate.
As a holistic nutritionist and functional health practitioner, my philosophy is to identify the root cause of depression, anxiety or any underlying health issues, slowly "peel away the layers of the onion," and design a healing protocol and comprehensive LIFESTYLE plan specific to your unique biochemistry so you can heal, experience vibrant health, balanced hormones, and look, think and feel better than ever for a lifetime. I consult with men and women around the world, all over the U.S. and with clients locally in the Phoenix area. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation!
*** IMPORTANT: If you’ve noticed depressive symptoms consistently for over a month, please see a medical professional (a trained psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker). Suicidal thoughts or attempts and obsessing about death are serious warning signs that need to be addressed immediately.
*** Never stop any medication without the guidance and direction from the prescribing physician.
*** The information in this article is offered for informational and educational purposes only. There is no replacement for professional medical treatment and advice, and you are urged to consult with your functional health practitioner before pursuing any treatment or supplement regime.
Copyright © Paula Owens. All rights reserved.
Please note that all content on this blog is copyright © Paula Owens and may NOT be used, reproduced or copied without expressed written permission. You may cite with an author credit for personal use. Reproduction of any article found on Paula Owens’ blog may be shared and are permissible ONLY when instructions found at the bottom of this blog are followed. Thank you.
Sources available upon request.
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