Root Causes & Natural Remedies to Heal Autoimmune Disease

“With autoimmune disease, the power to turn your life around rests not with your doctor, not with a pharmacist, not in a bottle of pills, but in your own hands. That’s scary, but incredibly empowering.”  – Terry Wahls, MD 

Autoimmune conditions affect more than 700 million people around the world and that number continues to rise. Nearly 80 percent of those affected with an autoimmune disease are women usually of childbearing age or women under age 65, and the eighth leading cause of death among women. The standard course of conventional treatment is a lifetime of costly medication that come with dangerous side effects.

Autoimmune disease is one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality due to the damaged food supply, leaky gut, gut pathogens, heavy metal toxicity, environmental triggers and an altered microbiota.

The immune system is designed to protect your body from the attack of foreign substances. With autoimmune disease, something goes wrong with the immune system and it attacks and damages healthy cells, tissues, organs and many parts of the body (pancreas, thyroid, skin, kidneys, joints, brain, heart and lungs, digestive system, nerves and blood vessels). Some of the common autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, MS, celiac, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, type one diabetes, psoriasis, Grave’s disease and inflammatory bowel disease, although there are approximately 100 different autoimmune diseases have been identified and numerous additional diseases have been identified of having an autoimmune basis.

According to Dr. Esther Sternberg, “a reduction of the brain’s hormonal stress response is an important contributor to the development of autoimmune diseases. The reason for this is that cortisol, a potent anti-inflammatory hormone that is released from the adrenal glands in response to stress is also released after exposure to inflammatory triggers.” In normal circumstances cortisol prevents an excess of inflammation and keeps the immune system in check. In many people with autoimmune diseases, this cortisol response and the cascade of brain hormones that stimulates its’ release are impaired, so there is no shutoff valve that stops inflammation when it is no longer needed. In others, the cortisol response may be intact but immune cells are resistant to the anti-inflammatory effects of cortisol due to abnormalities in the cortisol receptor. Many symptoms of fibromyalgia are parallel to symptoms of adrenal dysfunction. It’s important to realize that adrenal function must always be factored in for any individual suffering from fibromyalgia, thyroid dysfunction and autoimmune diseases.

3 Main Factors that Trigger Autoimmune Disease

  1. Genetic susceptibility. A person’s genetic makeup plays a role in causing autoimmune diseases or at least make them more susceptible to them. A deficiency in one of the immune system's enzymes can affect the severity of autoimmune diseases. However, your genes are not your destiny! Genes are plastic based on environmental epigenetics, which means we can alter which genes turn on and which genes turn off based on environment and lifestyle choices including what we choose to eat and drink, lifestyle habits such as sleep, stress, exercise, environment, chemical exposure and toxicity, activity level, social circle, behaviors, thoughts, beliefs and level of consciousness.
  2. Toxic chemical exposure. Environmental triggers from toxins and chemicals from the air we breathe, the water we drink and bathe in, the food we eat, electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), obesogens, glyphosate and heavy metals. Researchers at Brown University found that 56 percent of women aged 16-49 have blood levels of lead, mercury, and PCBs far exceeding the median.
  3. Gut Dysfunction. Intestinal permeability commonly known as leaky gut syndrome, poor absorption, altered microbiome, gut pathogens and underlying infections (Candida, viral, fungal, bacterial, parasites)

All autoimmune disorders have one similarity: an immune response cause by systemic inflammation.

Inflammation is connected to almost every known chronic disease — from heart disease to cancer, diabetes to obesity, autism to dementia, and even depression. All three of the above autoimmune triggers cause inflammation, deplete the adrenals and cause immune dysfunction to the point that it starts to attack its own tissues. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the underlying root cause of any autoimmune disorder so the healing process and restoration of health can occur. Awareness of the triggering factors can prevent, minimize and even reverse the amount of damage from the autoimmune disease.

Identify the Root Cause: Triggers worth investigating with Autoimmunity

         * Poor quality, nutritionally-void diet Leaky gut
         * Heavy metal toxicity  *  Chronic inflammation
         * Candida, parasites, bacterial, yeast, fungus *  Oxidative stress. Antioxidant depletion.
         * Vitamin D & other nutrient deficiencies EMFs
         * Undetected viral or bacterial infections *  Vaccines
         * Changes in gut microbiota Vitamin D deficiency
         * Normal cholesterol with ↑ HDL & ↓ triglycerides *  Low total cholesterol
         * Toxic chemical exposure & environmental toxins *  Adrenal insufficiency & Hormone imbalances

Some autoimmune diseases are known to begin or worsen with certain triggers such as viral infections like Epstein-Barr, CMV and hepatitis. Other less understood influences affecting the immune system and autoimmune diseases include mycotoxins, MTHFR genetic defect, toxic overload and detoxification insufficiency, aging, hormone imbalances, pregnancy, adrenal dysfunction and chronic accumulative stress whether it be emotional, psychological, physical, electromagnetic, mental and environmental. There is a definite relationship between ongoing stressful life events before the onset of autoimmune disease. Stress directly affects immune function via neuroendocrine and sympathetic pathways. Consistent activation of those systems cause wear and tear on the body. 

In a seminar presented by Nikolas R. Hedberg, D.C., D.A.B.C.I., he stated that the vast majority of those diagnosed with Hashimoto's often have either EBV, H.pylori or Yesinia pestis. Most are aware that gluten sensitivity, fluoride sensitivity, sodium laurel sulfate, gut immunity and viruses can be underlying problems with Hashimoto's, but few of us are aware of H. pylori and Yesinia pestis as underlying factors with Hashimoto's.

At a seminar I attended presented by Charles Poliquin, he stated that fibromyalgia has six primary causes: thyroid dysfunction, heavy metal toxicity, intestinal pathogens, visceral displacement, cervical induced and psychologically induced.  

All disease begins in the gut. – Hippocrates Regardless of the cause of an autoimmune disease, there is always the component of poor digestion, leaky gut and gut dysbiosis. In some cases, poor gut health caused the autoimmune disease. Bacterial imbalance in the GI tract can also promote inflammation that contributes to autoimmune disease. According to Jonathan Wright, M.D. low stomach acid is present in approximately 50 percent of SLE patients.

Most conventional doctors only treat the symptoms of autoimmune diseases with a band-aid medication without digging deeper to identify the root cause. Many of the conventional approaches available for autoimmune disease can actually cause one to feel worse. Steroids, Advil, immune suppressants and TNF-alpha blockers come with numerous side effects including depression, psychosis, osteoporosis, kidney failure, diabetes, intestinal bleeding, even cancer and the patient never truly heals.

Natural Remedies to Heal, Prevent and Reverse Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune disease is skyrocketing, but conventional treatment has little to offer. Although each autoimmune disease comes with its own symptoms and specific remedies are dependent on each person’s unique biochemistry, the following Natural Remedies are helpful for the majority of all autoimmune disorders.

Heal the gut and optimize digestion! All disease starts in the gut. Approximately 70-80 percent of the immune system is in the gut. You may be completely unaware that there is an underlying infection or leaky gut as the root cause of your gut problems, so it’s extremely important to identify and rule out any gut dysfunction first and foremost. Contact my office for more info on ordering a Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis or order your own kit here.

Identify the root cause of inflammation. This is crucial for healing to occur.

** With my clients, I recommend thorough clinical lab testing starting with: a thorough blood panel, IgG food sensitivity test, comprehensive digestive stool analysis with parasitology and toxic heavy metal test. The numbers don’t lie and the information these basic tests provide is SO beneficial in their healing journey. Removing sources of inflammation are a must. These may include any of the following;

Food is medicine! Start with real food, nutrient-dense foods. You cannot and will not heal until you change your diet. A nutritionally-void diet, inflammatory foods and poor nutrition compromises the immune system and increases inflammation. Food is medicine or food is poison.

** Extremely important especially those with autoimmunity is to identify personal food sensitivities and eliminate inflammatory foods from the diet. Eliminating nightshades can be very helpful in healing. You can be eating the healthiest of foods and be completely unaware that certain foods are silently  destructing and destroying your health. 

** Completely eliminate all gluten, wheat and grains. This means zero gluten. None! Not even a sniff. This is a must for any healing to occur. There is a significant link between gluten and autoimmune disease. All grains contain mycotoxins.

** Avoid processed soy. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition documents an association of soy formula feed infants an autoimmune thyroid disease in children.

** Consume plenty of pesticide-free, fiber-rich non-starchy veggies, leafy greens, low-sugar fruits, clean animal protein and healthy fats,.

** Avoid sugar, HFCS, lentils and beans, nightshades, dairy, vegetable oils, corn, and yeast products, including beer. Researchers believe that one of the possible causes of autoimmune ailments is certain foods that are new to humanity which have only appeared in the past 40,000 years.

** Green tea. There are beneficial compounds found in green tea, a polyphenol called EGCG that have a powerful ability to increase the number of regulatory T-cells that play a key role in immune function and suppression of autoimmune diseases

Breast Implants? Women must consider the link between autoimmune disease and breast implants.

Restore Immune & Mitochondrial Function. Although each individual has their unique set of needs, restoring mitochondrial impairment and restoring healthy immune function play major therapeutic roles in healing.

Practice parasympathetic activities and some form of deep relaxation every day such as meditation, walking outdoors in nature, restorative and yin yoga, deep diaphragmatic breathing exercises, massage, aromatherapy and more time in nature. Unmanaged stress worsens the immune response and intensifys symptoms making them worse.

Thoughts, unresolved emotions and feelings have a direct impact on the immune system. Unresolved and repressed emotions such as worry, grief, frustration, guilt, anger and resentment have a huge impact on our overall health, and can affect certain organs such as the liver and gallbladder, kidneys, spleen, heart and lungs resulting in digestion problems, insomnia, headaches, a weakened immune system, hormone disruption, excess weight and many other health problems.

When you do your work to delve into these unresolved emotions and mental patterns, it’s as though a heavy load has been lifted and health problems magically dissipate. Releasing emotions that no longer serve us in a positive light is ESSENTIAL to experience our highest level of health and live full vibrant lives.

Some helpful exercises to do this include writing or journaling; meditation; Qi Gong; getting rid of clutter and old items; tears; gratitude and appreciation log; spending time outdoors connecting with nature; flower essences; the “I AM” A-Z Exercise; listening to your internal guidance and trusting your intuition at the soul level.

Laughter, community, journaling and feelings of happiness increase and enhance the actions of our immune cells. Surround yourself with people that support you and make you feel good, and avoid low vibration, energy vampires.

If overweight, take steps to lose weight. Extra body fat increases risk of autoimmune disease. Follow the principles found in The Power of 4 and Fat Loss Revolution. Schedule a consultation.

Identify your personal nutrient deficiencies through a functional blood chemistry analysis.

Basic Nutrient Support. Supplement with only quality nutrient supplementation. The following are helpful for most individuals diagnosed with an autoimmune disease: vitamin D, curcumin, digestive enzymes with HCL, essential fatty acids, probiotics, important minerals such as zinc, magnesium, selenium and a high-quality multi-vitamin/mineral such as BioImmunozyme Forte

Move your body every day. Engage in resistance training at least 2x per week that works the major muscle groups. Balance sympathetic activities with parasympathetic activities. Follow the 12-week program found in Fat Loss Revolution. Daily walking outdoors. Practice yoga. Get out in nature.

Consider EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Read more about EFT in The Power of 4.

Sunshine exposure for at least 20-30 minutes daily is beneficial for the immune system and stimulates vitamin D production. However, too much sunlight can act as a trigger for some autoimmune disorders and can actually make symptoms worse.

Sleep matters! Prioritize 7-9 hours of restful, uninterrupted sleep in a pitch dark room every night. Always charge your cell phone in a room other than your bedroom and unplug the WiFi and all electrical devices in your bedroom.

As a holistic nutritionist and functional health practitioner, my philosophy is to identify the root cause of any underlying health issues, slowly "peel away the layers of the onion," and design a healing protocol and comprehensive LIFESTYLE plan specific to your unique biochemistry so you can heal, experience vibrant health, balanced hormones, and look, think and feel better than ever for a lifetime. I consult with men and women all over the U.S. and with clients locally in the Phoenix area. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation!

Copyright © Paula Owens. All Rights Reserved.

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