PPA brain disease/Too much Alcohol = cancer

One of Canada's retired famous politicians (he was governor of Alberta for a dozens years or more) has what in short is called PPA disease, some fancy medical term. It effects the reading/writing/memory of words, part of the brain, eventually not being able to speak, read or write.

It's not very common, and there is no cure for it at the present.

I personally had never heard till tonight on Canadian news that there was such a disease, maybe you had not heard either, but there is such a part-mind-destroying disease.

A British research program has pretty well proven that TOO MUCH alcohol can most assuredly lead to cancer.
The bottom line they say is:  no more than TWO alcoholic drinks per day for MEN; and no more than ONE alcoholic drink for women per day.

The Bible would be in full agreement ..... MODERATION, moderation !!

One of Canada's well-known Army Generals (Hillier) has come out and said what Nato is doing in Libya is not the way to go about winning against MADhafi (as I call him). Hillier says they have to go after removing him......and so much more is needed than the present "no fly zone" stuff.

From a military point of view I would have to fully agree. If Obama says (as he has done)  MADhafi must go, then the USA and all Nato (who seem to agree with Obama) should stop pussy-footing around and go in there in no uncertain way and show the guy no mercy as he said he would show no mercy on his people against him.
War is a terrible thing, but NATO has a war machine, and if they do not want people like MADhafi around, then they have to do a lot more FOR  and WITH those whom are fighting that vain mad dog.

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