The End of the World - Maya Calendar 2012
The on their "doc zone" segment of their website has a documentary on the subject. It is an eye opener for the fact of how many people are taking this December 21st 2012 as the end of the planet as we know it. The December 2012 stuff is based on some partial Mayan calendar, which when the serious guys come down to brass-tacks, end up saying, "Well the Mayans figured some big event was to happen on this December day of 2012 according to their invented calendar.
This may blow you away but there are 40 million - yes Million with an M, of Internet connections on this 2012 event. All kinds of people from the youth to the middle-aged to the older folks, who are "into" this "end of the world as we know it" on that date.
Many are busy building underground bunkers, the documentary shows you some of them. Then of course you have the big developers (making good money of course on it) building and selling underground hotels and massive complexes that can house 10,000 to 100,000 people. AND people are buying their unit, and deciding which family members will share it and which will not.
Oh yes of course you have the "religious" side of it all. People from all over the world gathering at retreats to get in tune with the comic nature - not the true God of the universe, but the mystic stuff of the Mayan cult. Then you have to add to that the individuals making money of course of mystic "charms" and "clothes" or "pictures" or whatevers .... to help you be in tune with the mystic side and so maybe spared from death and live on to rebuild the world.
Yes, so the "new world order" is also a part of the crowd that is into this December 21st 2012 bag and crash and blow and swamp the earth with whatever the various ones think is going to turn the world upside-down.
And all of that ranges from some near miss of some cosmic star passing the earth, to a solar sun flare of huge magnitude, to the reversing of the poles, to the turning of the orbit of the earth in the other direction, causing....well you can guess what they say that would cause.
The scientist from Nasa on the show, says the poles maybe change every 3 to 4 hundred thousands years....and that folks is way before man was created by the Eternal. And the scientist said the reversing of the earth to turn in the other direction has never happened (I would probably say he is right correct on that).
Well you should go watch the show ... and under TV shows you'll find Doczone - many interesting documentaries they have done and ready to view.
All the people "into" this December 21st 2012 are naturally not Bible believing people. Hence one reason so many can get hooked on stuff like this as like on a hard core drug.
It is, I agree, as the scientists from Nasa said, a whole bunch of RUBBISH!!!!
It is the Bible and God's prophecies in the Bible that tell you what the future holds, and that future does NOT have anything to do with the wrong ideas dumped on the Mayan calendar, which the Mayans themselves did not know, only their calendar stopped at 2012.
It is LAUGHABLE if it was not being taken so serious by THOUSANDS around the world.
There will be NO worldwide disaster in December 2012. And for those "Christian" religionists who have adopted 2012 for the Great Tribulation (and hence Jesus' return by 2015 or 19 depending on the theology of a last 3 and 1/2 years or 7 years they have chosen to teach) ....... IT AIN'T GOING TO BE SO IS MY ANSWER TO YOU!!!!!
The date setters using the Mayan calendar ARE WRONG!! The date setters using .... whatever in their theology for 2012, 2015, 2019, ARE WRONG ALSO!!
My website gives you the true understanding of the prophecies of the Bible. There are signs to watch for, as Jesus taught. You CAN KNOW the signs to watch for. That is the ONLY WAY this world, this age will come to a close, and Jesus to return to establish the Kingdom of God over all nations on this beautiful blue planet.
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