Obama-Gadhafi-USA poverty children

So we have President Obama finally saying the mad insane dog Gadhafi must go from Libya. The USA has climbed out of bed with him, but he still has much of the firepower hardware provided by the USA (and some other Western countries over the last few decades) . So from the perspective of the unconverted mind-set of the West and especially the USA what should they do?
The USA should be flying and ship-loading tanks, guns, rockets, bullets and bombs to those AGAINST this Arab mad dog, that is the least they could do. Something like that would REALLY send a message to Gadhafi to move his wagon-train out of the country, that his time has come to an end. Words from Obama to Gadhafi to "get out" are useless and hot air unless you back those words up with physical tangible reality of war arms to those who are opposing this insane Arab leader.

And as a side note to Obama and the West is that they need to move faster and faster AWAY from the use and dependancy  on OIL - the West should be putting aside the "oil lobbyists" and moving as never before into space-age technology that does not depend on the black stuff from under the ground.

The Arab world is moving into a new phase of its prophetic life that had been foretold thousands of years ago in the pages of Bible prophecy. There is to arise in the last days an Arab union of nations that the Bible calls "the king of the south" who will be led by Egypt.

The Bible prophets were inspired by the Eternal God thousands of years ago to write down the events of the last days, especially the last 42 months of the end of this age into the return of Jesus Christ to earth. I have expounded for you all the prophetic books of the Bible in my book just off the press called "The Biblical Prophets for Today." It is obtainable from Amazon.com

Go to Amazon.com  and their book section, type in either the name of the book or my name - Keith Malcolm Hunt - there you will find my book. You need to know, you CAN KNOW what the future of the years ahead in this century will bring on earth, and also the GOOD NEWS of the age to come and what that age will be like.

On the "60 Minute" program tonight there was the shocking and sad segment on the huge rise of about 25% of children that are living in poverty conditions. Though some jobs have been created in the USA ion the last month, the sad truth is that MANY are still out of work, and if married with children, that effects them in a serious manner. One million homes last year had foreclosure signs on them. They expect it will be one million more this year of 2011 also that will go under foreclosure.

Whole families are in hotels and motels, or in friend's homes, or relative's homes. Tens of thousands of children going to bed in the USA HUNGRY!
There has never been the like of this in the USA since the depression of the 1930s. It was heart-breaking watching this segment of truth and reality as shown on 60 Minutes tonight.

The USA is the richest nations on earth; the USA has more money than any other nation on earth; the USA has more physical wealth than any other nation on earth; the USA is still the number ONE economy of all nations on this planet; yet we are now having 25% of all children in the USA living in POVERTY!

The nation as a whole from the Government down must take the responsibility, for it - the Government over the last 20 years - did not have laws and an agency set in place to oversee the Bankers and the Wall Street fellows, who with unchained freedom were taking the people for a ride, while they were gaining MILLIONS of dollars in their personal bank accounts. It was a CRIME - and only a few (probably can count them on one hand) have been put in gail for their crimes against the people. That crime is still being played out with now 25% of USA children living in poverty.

I often wonder if Presidents watch TV shows like 60 Minutes. If they do how do they sleep at night? You would think they would be calling for special meetings of their top staff to speedily get putting some things right where it is wrong.

Then again I also wonder if people who are multi-millionaires or Billionaires watch programs like 60 Minutes, surely if they did, they would call a meeting with fellow billionaires to meet with President Obama to work out a plan to give to the poor and needy.

One thing you will find in the New Testament and the book of Acts is that the Church of God taught that the poor and needy should be looked after.

Jesus, when talking to the young rich man who wanted to know how to have eternal life, was told by Jesus he lacked one thing: Jesus told him to take, to sell, to give all the money and wealth he had, and to give it to the poor (ah, not the "church") - see it for yourself in Matthew 19:16-22 - and then come and serve the Lord.
Now, that was an individual case with Jesus, it does not mean all wealthy people should give all their wealth away to the poor. But it sure does show and teach that if you are wealthy you better be helping the needy and poor - the truly deserving needy and poor. Other teachings in the Gospels teach you are to be a wise steward of what God has given you - it is not just to be thrown around nilly-willy.

So if you reading this are wealthy in the physical goods of this earth, well there are surely many in the world and the USA who would appreciate a hand up as they try to get back up on their feet from loosing their job and house.

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