"HOT - Living through the next 50 years on Earth"

Canada has a nighty guy who interviews people from North America, from entertainers to political people.
I was very glad I caught the before add as to who was coming on the show on last Thursday's nights hour.

Being interviewed was Mark Hertsgaard on his latest book called "HOT - Living through the next fifty years on earth."

I went out and bought it last Sunday. What a BLOCKBUSTER book. I've read 60 pages as of tonight of 318 pages.  And what a blow your mind book so far.

For those who still side with a VERY FEW scientists who poo-poo global warming or climate change (and those science people are opposed by 99.9 percent of the world's scientists on this matter) this book BLOWS THEM AWAY, and makes them look like silly IDIOTS as they truly are. Hummmm.....maybe me calling such people "silly idiots" will anger them enough to read this book, and get the truth of the matter into their heads at last.

On the back jacket-cover we read: "In HOT, oner of America's finest journalists confronts one of the world's most urgent problems. Hertsgaard shows that the worst harms of global warming are not inevitable and outlines the steps that can help to avert disaster. HOT bravely takes aim at perhaps the greatest climate threat of all: apathy." - Eric Schlosser, author of "Fast Food Nation."

People who deny what is going on around the world are usually people who sit in their tiny corner of the world, do little if any reading on the subject, and for whatever reason, jump on the band-wagon of .1 silly and dumb scientists who also for whatever reason deny anything like global climate change is happening. Such scientists have not lived in Canada since 1961 as I have, and have seen in the last 35 years the drastic milder winters Canada has had. in the 1960s Canada was STILL famous (as it had been for 3 or 4 hundred before before when the white man came) for 7 things - its Canadian Rockies, its Great Lakes, its Hockey (well that in the last 100 years)  its Niagara Fall, its Grain Farming, its Canadian Mounted Police, and its LONG COLD AND SNOWY WINTERS, often starting in late October and not ending till April. During the 1960s in Saskatchewan I can well remember us having 4 or 5 weeks STRAIGHT with -30 F.  The very first winter I experienced 1961/62 - was brutal. One morning getting ready for work, the newscaster man said, "Better bundle up this morning, it is -47 and the wind ablowing it is -72." I had to walk 1/2 a mile into that wind to get to work. I had to turn by back to the wind for most of the way (winter everything on only my eyes exposed to that cold) and with 40 yards to go I literally did not think I was going to make it.
Many of those winters in the 1960s we had weeks of -30 F. When it got back up to 0 F you thought spring has arrived. In the last 35 years if Canada ANYWHERE (except way up towards the north pole) gets -30 for a WEEK, it is on National TV.
The North Pole is melting, Greenland is melting, all the glaciers of the world are melting. The famous "Ice-field" in the Canadian Rockies is only half the size it was when I visited it in 1962. The Hudson Bay was one month behind freezing up this winter, and the Polar bears were all lined up on its banks waiting for the freeze to come, because they need the freeze-up to go hunting seals to put on the winter fat, or they will not live through the winter and spring.

One European scientist told Mark Hertsgaard we should not be calling this "global warming" or "global climate change" - he said we should be calling it "CLIMATE CHAOS" - for that is truly what we are seeing.

Mark Hertsgaard is no longer he said in that interview, just going to be a journalist, he is going to be an activist also. When asked why, he explained about his young daughter of 5 years old is going to inherit this earth, and he wants to try and make sure she does not inherit a disaster, catastrophe, wreck, and a calamity of the earth.

If Jesus Christ does not return in the next 40 years, if this age goes beyond 2050, and the nations do not REALLY GET TO GRIPS with "climate chaos" - this earth and those on it will be in a catastrophe never known since mankind has been on this earth.

For your education and for your children's education YOU NEED TO MARK THIS BOOK DOWN AS ONE YOU WILL OBTAIN IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE!!

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