Quite the week
I'll begin with the crazy flooding in Australia. Many may wonder why. The Canadian "science guy" on CBC tonight gave us the answer. Putting it in simple language. We have this ocean pattern (they give it a Spanish name) of cold coming across the Pacific towards Australia - we have the warm Indian ocean pattern - they cause air temperatures - the two meet over Australia and up they go to become rain and down it comes. This time around (it happens every so many years) it is more powerful, sooner than before and predicted to last longer. The results - the massive flooding we have seen in Australia.
Now not all the crazy weather can be so easily figured. The Brazil mud slides, the snow over Britain and Europe, and the East coast of the USA, and some other wild weather like in Sir Lanka - no body seems to have the neat science answer to all the world's weather upheavals.
The mass shooting in Arizona by the known mentally ill young 22 year old guy. It has had some deep effect on the USA population, emotionally. But as for a RETURN to God in a DEEP pronounced way - don't hold your breath - it will not happen. The CBC news tonight showed the tough laws and tough Sherif of Arizona - no apology coming from him. They are a border State to Mexico, I can understand the predicament they are in. How do you control illegals flowing into Arizona? Now he did say the State has low crime rate, great weather, and so a fine place to live. Then some of the prominent (I suppose legal) Mexicans say yes it is a great place to live, unless "you look like I do." Arizona is between a rock and hard place as they say.
Going back to the mud slides in Brazil. Much is caused by poor construction and by people building where they should not build. It seems Brazil is lacking in laws or regulating the laws, then maybe it is a catch 22 for them also. I'm not up on the economy of Brazil and how wealthy they are to make sure people do not build in or on dangerous areas.
The flu is making its rounds in "central" Canada - which is Ontario and Quebec. It is alarming the "authorities" - the science people. Of course they say the best way to keep yourself from getting it is to wash your hands often and stay away from people with it (that kinda makes common sense) and of course "get the flu shot" - same old story. They often do not tell you there are only about 100 varieties of the flu and they do not know which one will strike in any given flu season. Then as they did tonight, they tell you they really do not know much about it, like the common cold - they are still under the weather over it (pun intended).
Tunisia - the BIG news spot in the last few days!! The people have risen up and overthrown the authoritative ruler. I did not realize that country was a dictatorship and has been for about 60 years or so.
The middle class people and tourism has been good for decades. People have they say put up with many many things from a dictatorship, but the straw that broke the camel's back arrived, and the people said enough was enough. The dictator of 23 years has fled the country. His family line....one of them has a mansion house in Montreal, Canada.
Now some of the other Arab countries with dictatorships are looking over their shoulder, maybe they will be next in line to pack their bags and move on out.
There will come a "king of the south" - an Arab confederation of nations led by Egypt, who will somehow "push at" the king of the north - the Europe Babylon Beast - at the time of the end (Daniel 11:40-45), just before the Great Tribulation (going on into chapter 12).
So we will keep watching for the formation of the king of the south and the king of the north - Jesus will NOT return until all these prophecies come to pass.
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