Are you Watching EGYPT?
Most of the Arab countries are ruled by a dictatorship. The USA gives voice or adds their voice to the people, but what a sham as the USA has backed a lot of these dictatorships over the last many decades. Now they say they are on the "people's side." Well convenient when needed to be convenient. But we will forget about the USA.
The "king of the south" that is to arise at the end time and "push at" the king of the north as we see in Daniel 11:40-45 is going to be spearheaded by EGYPT! Prophecies in Ezekiel make that very clear.
Now some may jump on the bandwagon and state that the "king of the south" is very near, EVEN AT THE DOOR! And they will further proclaim that it is not many years to the coming of Christ.
We need to be very careful. For indeed GERMANY needed to be UNITED before the "king of the north" - a Europe Holy Roman Empire Beast could come into being. The Berlin wall if I remember correct fell in 1979. And the Europe Beast of Revelation is STILL a number of years away from forming (it could be still not formed at the end of this decade, we will see how it goes by 2015). So for Egypt to be free from dictatorship, and strong enough to rise among the Arab nations in political might and power that other Arab nations will join ranks with them to form an Arab world power....... well that could be years away! Those Arab nations will also have to give up a dictatorship rule to trust each other.
So I just want to warn you that you must be careful to not run away with the horses, and gallop off into
preaching that the end of this age is only a few years away. And even when this Arab "king of the south" is formed, we still do not know HOW LONG it will be before it "pushes at" the king of the North, it could be a short time (IF the king of the north has formed into the mighty Beast power of Revelation) or it could be a long time, as we count long time. And remember God does not count time as we count time - 10, 20 years to us is a long time - to the Eternal God it is as nothing, even less than nothing if you want to try to put "nothing" into the frame of eternity.
But yes keep your eye on Egypt, I've been telling you for a decade and more that Egypt is to rise to spearhead the coming king of the south.
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