Winter Wonder Land!
...... gave an article on the legacy of departing Governor of California - Arnold S. (7 times Mr. Olympia). A nice guy in many ways, but in politics being a nice guy does not count. He discovered that there is just too much to push and lift (pun intended from Arnold's boybuilding days) against and strong bulging muscles do not develop - he was defeated and humiliated many times by the teachers and nurses and others opposed to his ideas. Yes the article brings out all the UN-success he had, but also the good he managed to push through. He was a great guy for the environment. He had build at his expense (which was 100,000 dollars) a jeep type car that could run on cooking oil very well indeed, just to prove to everyone we do have the technology to build such cars. What a shame we do not have the willpower or the political strength to fly with it. Oh it will all come about one day but you can bet it will be 20 or 30 years down the road, if we have that much time left for this age.
Well Arnold the photo of you at 63 that MSN showed as you leave the Governor seat, shows it has taken it toll on you - those aged lines on your face ..... well okay Hollywood can make over as you no doubt will get back into some action movies again.
North Korea is wanting to flex it's muscles (maybe they are getting ready to take on Arnold in the muscle department) and declares it may make "holy war" on......well I guess that would be South Korea and the USA. The new young leader taking over from his Dad looks like he wants to show the world he's not really some fat baby-faced young fellow after all. Can't see what an atheism country like North Korea knows about "holy war" - are but then maybe they have an atheist god of war on their side, you know one of those gods that says he does not exist, but you can worship him anyway if you like.
More deaths, dozens more, is the report in another bomb blast in Pakistan, and some want us to believe we are defeating the enemy, there and in Afghanistan. Can you just see the Taliban rubbing their hands together with glee as they just abide their time when the USA and allies withdraw, which is supposed to be in the next year or so. They know how to live in those dusty barren mountains in both countries (been doing it for decades) and wait to return to fight another day. The civil war in Afghanistan is far from over, as is violence in Pakistan.
And before I leave this day of December 25th, if you want to know the truth of the matter about the Christ-mass Roman Catholic adoption and invention of this day as supposed Christ's birthday, and if you want to know WHO gave us our modern Santa Claus and who he really is - you can find it all on my webiste ( - bottom line of the Bible Study List page, just scroll to the right and you'll find it all.
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