WikiLeaks/Canada and USA

So WikiLeaks continues to leak and today December 1st 2010 we in Canada learned some in the USA
often said "Canada has an inferior complex" ..... welllll, I guess we only have 1/10 of the USA population, don't have the massive military might and the atomic bomb; we don't have the Hollywood Stars; we don't have the great "places in the sun" and many of us like to "go south" for the winter. We did not send a man to the moon; we don't have a huge Wall Street finance elite (then now maybe that's a blessing, right); we don't have Banks that can do as they please to people (hey, that could be another blessing); we don't have a super Football league like the USA; we only have one team in the great Baseball League (Toronto - who did win the World Series twice in a row in the 1990s); we don't do very well in the Basket Ball league (though we've produced some star players); and maybe others can think of "inferior" things we in Canada have compared to the mighty USA. BUT, we still have a pretty good pro Hockey team (men and women) that often beat the USA national teams. Canada did win more gold medals at the 2010 Winter Olympics than any OTHER nation! We do produce some mighty fine Ice Skating champions, as well as Curling champions. We do produce some great entertainers (actors and singers) that many in the USA probably think are Americans.  Canada has the highest purse money in the world of Rodeo (the Calgary Stampede), and in the Show Jumping horse world (the International at Spruce Meddows in Calgary).
To sum it all up, if you watched the Winter Olympics from Vancouver 2010, you will have be shocked (even Canadians were) to see we did not think ourselves inferior to ANYONE period!
Talk is cheap as they say, anyone can say anything about a nation, and not have a clue what they are talking about. I think there are some red faces in the USA right now over this "revelation" by WikiLeaks, and with more leaks coming there will be more red faces in the USA (and elsewhere).

Britain and Europe still getting walloped with snow, they got it slammed at them last winter also; it's becoming a regular for them.

Revealed on Canadian TV news tonight the shocking facts about "elite special army units" (like SWAT teams)  that are supposed to swear to silence. The Canadian one, one of them now retired is breaking the silence, and it is a disgusting tale he tells, of things seen done by armies to civilians (too horrible to recount here) of the opposite camp, and some killings by the "special team" on people with hands in the air surrendering. The USA does have a much more open door of "no secrets kept" but accountability to its elected officials. So Canada is indeed at present "inferior" to the USA on this matter.

What a blessed day it will be when the new age comes, and nations will learn war no more. War is anything but pleasant, it is horrible, gruesome, revolting, repulsive, disgusting, vile, hideous, foul, odious, abominable, and a lot more words that my Reader's Digest gives under "horrible," What armies will do to innocent people (children included)  ...... well I guess we only have to look at the horrors done by the Hitler geeks in the Second World War. Sad to say some of those horrors are still being done by some as they fight each other.
Oh, the Canadian news on "their special army 'swat' teams" say that when most of those fellows go back into regular society a lot of them commit suicide, end up on the wrong side of law and order, and become criminals.
Oh indeed we need the Kingdom of God on earth, to create a different spirit in all peoples of all nations, so it will come to pass as the Lord says, "Nations shall not lift up sword against nation, they shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain."

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