PRIDE -the movie

No this is not about "pride goes before a fall" as the Proverb says. I was peaking around Blockbuster today, as I usually do about once a week, to see what true life movies I might find.  And I was fortunate: a movie I'd never heard of -  goes back to 2007 - from Lionsgate.
It stars one of my favorite black actors Terrence Howard - very good talent. I certainly agree with the two comments on the front cover: "Two Thumbs Up" - Morris and Roeper - "Inspirational...Will Touch Your Heart" - Star Magazine.
On the back cover: "....shows how an ordinary man can do something extraordinary..." - Claidia Puig, USA Today. And: "This movie will inspire you." - OK Magazine.

"Based on true events, PRIDE is the inspiring story of Jim Ellis, a charismatic schoolteacher who changed lives forever when he founded an African-American swim team in one of Philadelphia's roughest neighborhoods."

Yes a mighty good family movie that not only your family should see but all High Schools should be made to have time out to see it also. Many lessons of things that should not be done and things that should be done - if all school kids would take and run with the positive we'd have healthier, friendlier, and just plain better young people who would be better adults, and so better societies.

Mark it down and plan to see it with your family and friends.

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