News and LOVE movies

The USA is in a bond sell-off. Cost of borrowing for the USA is up slightly . The tax cuts to be extended have some concerns, means in simple language, the USA cannot but borrow money and hence more deficit. Well they have been racking up debt for decades so what's a little more. They'll never pay it back anyway and one day it will probably just get wiped off the sheet.

Japan market - economy expansion of 4.5 percent. Strong Yen but they say it looks like no growth for last quarter of 2010. They still have high unemployment.

The books stores - Borders, and, Barnes and Noble, are thinking of joining forces, as book stores may now face big competition from Google Ebooks - the new way to read books. The two BIG book stores in Canada joined arms together some years back. I still prefer to have and read a hard copy book, one I can mark up, highlight, put notes in the margin etc.

So Britain after sleeping in the same bed with the USA in the finance and housing crash and recession, done by the "mad" leaders of the "no laws" finance world, under the "mad" leaders of national governments (Ireland, Iceland, and others included) now want to slap the small  guy - the college people with huge tuition fees. So I think to be expected in this crazy world, the young people of Britain rioted the other day in protest to the tuition rise.
As I've said many times in the past, God in his word to our nations says our leaders are MAD and our prophets (the leading religious guys/gals) are PROFANE!!

THE BANK of Canada says there could be a world down-turn once more; I guess that means they are saying a dip in the recession, a dip in the dip to a dippier recession. The Bank says this may happen due to the terrible Europe economy and the mess they are in. and they add Canada will probably not escape the fallout this time.

Well if Haiti was not already badly off now they have violence and killings over the election there, which looks like as many are saying was "rigged." So troubles upon troubles for Haiti, as if they did not already have enough.


SENSE and SENSIBILITY - Columbia pictures from...well some time ago, but very nice indeed - Emma Thompson - Kate Winslet - Hugh Grant.

LOVE COMES SOFTLY - Hallmark Entertainment - family movie - 202 - very warming and charming.

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE - Focus Features - 2005 - as it says on the back cover : "Lushly romantic and subtly sexy" "Makes you believe in true love and happy-ever-after."

MR.HOLLAND'S OPUS - Hollywood Pictures - Richard Dreyfuss - one of my all time favorites as it concerns the life of a High School music teacher - so many lessons to learn from it. Surely a must for all families and should be required watching for all in school bands.

SHALL WE DANCE - Alliance Atlantic - Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopex, Susan Sarandon, at their best. A warm delightful film - on the back cover: "An entertaining crowd pleaser" "Full of genuine delight"

I AM SAM - Alliance Atlantic - Sean Penn and Michelle Pfeiffer at their best. On the back cover: "A wonderful movie about the power of the human spirit."

Ah yes some great movies from some superb actors. More wonderful LOVE movies at a future time.

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