Many Items

I did not know until it came on the news that resident doctors in North America, often have two days a week where they work a 24 hour shift (they are on call for any of those hours). One hospital in Quebec, Canada, has "done away with it." Interviewing those young doctors told us how much sharper-minded they were. Now it does not take rocket-science to figure that simple equation.
The USA is in 2011 bringing in a no more than a 16 hour work shift.
Britain already has a law that doctors cannot work more than 49 hours a week (not sure, the news did not say what maximin shift length the British doctors work).

So how do you like the new Facebook facelift that came into being December 7th? I'm sure it will not be the last facelift they will have.

Aspirin - take one a day - already known to help reduce heart-attacks. Now with an 8 year study they have found once a day aspirin to reduce by about 25 percent the chance of getting common cancers.

A "religious" Theme Park in Kentucky is going to build a Noah's Ark. Which brings me to the topic of Noah's flood. Many Christians (like I did) just take for granted the flood in Noah's day was worldwide, around the entire globe. Most Christians (I was one of them) have NEVER studied the subject, or they may have read books like "Deluge Story in Stone" (an old book from way back when). Now there was a worldwide flood all around the earth, BUT it was in Genesis 1: between verses 1 and 2. IT WAS NOT AT THE TIME OF NOAH!!  Saying that is going to SHOCK and even ANGER some Christians. Well God tells us in the book of Proverbs that it is FOLLY to answer a matter before you hear it. need to go to my Website ( and study the study (be willing as I was to meditate on the subject for months if needs be) called "Noah's Flood - Not Universal."

The Europe finance ministers are meeting to try and figure a way out of the uro money mess they are in, and they are at present in some pickle for sure. Ireland has to try and go on an 8 Billion cut - take the icing off the cake, and maybe all the fruit and nuts and cherries in it, with half the flour also. The Italy Opera at La Scala in financial cuts from the Italian Government - they have to cut back also. Many in the Opera world over there are of course upset.

Obama in the USA has had to compromise on NOT taking away the tax cuts (as was planned) to the wealthy. They will get an extension and tax relief.

China has many of its main powerful companies in the negative - so not all rosy for them either.

USA admits defeat in trying to get Israel in the Holy Land to stop building in the West Bank - it's back to the talking table for the USA, Israel, and the Palestinians - nothing new under the sun for those three Governments as far as sitting around the peace-talking-table.

The Korean tensions - South Korea and the USA are trying to figure out what they will do if North Korea does another attack on any land belonging to South Korea.

WikiLeaks founder - Mr.Assange has turned himself in to the British police, not to do with WikiLeaks of leaks by the tens of thousands but on some "wrong sexual episode" charges, that many do not think will hold up in court. Yet many Governments are happy he is off the front lines of WikiLeaks. But he has a staff that says they will continue and now apparently many doors have opened (some threw him off) for new servers to serve his Website.

And last - December 8th - the 30th anniversary of the killing of John Lennon of the Beatles fame.  They asked Paul McCartney some year back why the Beatles music was still so popular. He paused for a few seconds and then said, "I think it is because we have melody in our music." I had to admit that was the true answer. Orchestras have performed the Beatles music - it does have melody, can be put into great harmonies. The "rock n' roll" bands that have come after the Beatles .... well it's been basically shouting and screaming and way over amplification and screeching guitars - wild, wild, and more wild.
One fellow they have interviewed who knew John Lennon very well said about him, "He was a kind man." I think that is pretty good to have that said about you. We need more people in this world who are kind! We all should try to be. Jesus said, do unto others what you would like them to do to you - and kindness is sure one of those things.

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