LOVE and HATE Marijuana

The Canadian TV tonight had a documentary on marijuana. It's a love and hate world. Educated science now knows the plant helps many people with medical problems and chronic sufferers of pain. So Canada has "legal" growers of the plant for medical reasons. The USA has 13 States that have "compassion clubs" to serve people with marijuana for medical needs. Obama has told the Feds to keep hands off these places in those 13 States. Wow one thing he seems to have right in the last two years in the White House.
If you have not yet done so, you need to go to Tara Chapman's Website (www. and read her study about the marijuana plant and all the many benefits it could be used for to move us into a much "greener" world.
It is a fact that 50 percent of all medical "drugs" are made form plants. For anyone reading the Bible they know God gave us plants to eat to provide good health. True not all plants are for food, some will kill you either quickly or longer.
It has yet to be proved that the marijuana plant is harmful to you, now of course I'm speaking of the organic natural plant and in moderation. Many "good things" for you become bad things for you if moderation is not used.
So we have this contradiction in our lands - we love and at the same time hate this marijuana plant. We still spend millions of dollars to fight the growing of it, and haul people to court and maybe into prison. Yet we cannot deny it's good, so we "legalize" some to grow it. Hence the black-market goes on. Our Governments admit they are fighting a loosing battle, but we continue to spend tax-payer's money to fight it while we love it and give some legal authority to grow it.
I do not used marijuana - and have no intentions to do so unless down the road my health situation says I should use it. But it really is time to put marijuana into the same apple cart as that of alcohol - make it legal - stop the under-ground black-market and simply tell the world that the moderate use of marijuana is no more unhealthy for you than the moderate use of alcohol.

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