Eat, Drink and Be Holiday Healthy

Tis the season! Over the next few weeks, schedules are filled with shopping, holiday parties, relatives, financial pressures, obligations, and plenty of food and spirits. Socializing during the holidays can be stressful and challenging, especially if your friends and family are not as health-conscious as you. The abundance of holiday treats and homemade goodies can be hard to resist. Fortunately, there’s plenty you can do to avoid holiday weight gain, manage blood sugar, stay healthy, happy and fit, keep from getting sick, and enjoy holiday celebrations without feeling bloated, guilty or stressed out.

Eat, Drink and Be Holiday Healthy

Stay active and move your body every day to relieve stress, regulate appetite, lower blood sugar and insulin, increase metabolism and boost your mood. Rev up your metabolism with a 30 minute metabolic strength training workout found in my book, Fat Loss Revolution. If you’re short on time, try the Sprint 8 workout or the 10-5-5 Workout. Both of these workouts take less than 30 minutes.

Move your body when you can – take a bike ride, walk your dog, join a fitness class, practice some stress-relieving yoga, hike with friends, get up and stretch or hire a strength coach/fitness expert. Take a walk after mealtime to support digestion and boost metabolism. Plus, you’ll get a natural dose of vitamin D.

Sleep. Prioritize 7-9 hours of restful sleep every night. Consistently sleeping less than 7 hours per night disrupts hormones, increases desire for carb-heavy, sugary junk foods and could be the reason you’re stressed out, feeling blue or unable to drop stubborn belly fat. Research shows that those who fail to get enough restful sleep consume more calories, especially from unhealthy foods. Sleep Solutions that work

Practice holiday self-care. Light some candles and soak in the tub: add Epsom salts, baking soda, almond oil and your favorite essential oil (sandalwood, rose and frankincense). Schedule a massage. Take time to meditate upon rising and before bedtime, even if it’s only 5 minutes.

Healthy Holiday Eating. Stay on track with your healthy lifestyle through the holidays. Utilize the “PVFC method” found in Fat Loss Revolution when planning your meals and prioritize protein (P), veggies (V), and healthy fat (F), and minimize the carb (C) category. Consume protein- and veggie-rich meals to increase satiation and fullness, boost energy, stabilize blood glucose, fuel brain chemistry, help burn fat and keep you from getting sick.

Avoid processed carbs, sugary snacks and sodas full of empty calories and void of any nutritional value whatsoever. Sure you’ll get a quick burst of energy, but at the expense of creating an insulin spike, zapped energy, intensified sugar craving, suppressing your immune system, and additional inches to your waistline. Choose one of these healthier snack options.

Prevent becoming famished when you’re away from home to avoid holiday overindulgence. Prepare ahead and pack healthy snacks in your purse or glove compartment (protein shake, nuts, apples, celery and almond butter, hardboiled eggs, avocado, or beef, bison or turkey jerky.

Pass on the white chocolate peppermint mocha with whip cream, which is full of artificial sweeteners, sugars and a whopping 700 calories! Instead, opt for organic coffee. Add a bit of organic heavy whipping cream, butter or coconut oil and a pinch of cinnamon for holiday flavor. Sip on some yerba mate or green tea to increase mental alertness and energy without the jitters. The ECGC in green tea can boost fat burning.

Party time. Before the party, snack on some beef jerky, a protein shake or a handful of almonds and sip a cup of green tea. The fat and fiber from the almonds will reduce your appetite. The caffeine from the green tea will help keep you energized and increase mental alertness. If you’re going to a party where healthy options will be limited, plan ahead and bring a healthy dish of your own for all to enjoy.

A natural appetite suppressant and blood sugar stabilizer: one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a small amount of water and a sprinkle of cinnamon and ginger. Mix together and drink before the party.

Once you’re at the party, graze on veggies and guacamole, shrimp with cocktail sauce, chicken skewers or nuts and the healthy dish you brought to the party.

If you choose to indulge in a treat, do so without guilt, take a small portion and limit yourself to 3-4 bits and enjoy every bite of it!

Hydrate. Even though the temps are cooler, it’s important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Staying hydrated is especially important if you’re going to enjoy some holiday cheer.

Alcohol. I’m all for socializing and enjoying a glass of wine or two. If your goal is to look good and feel your best, excessive alcohol consumption tends to accumulate in the midsection contributing to excess belly fat, results in moobs, disrupts sleep, alters hormones, increases estrogen and insulin, reduces testosterone and growth hormone, and lowers inhibitions and judgment, which increases risk of overindulgence in goodies you normally wouldn’t eat.

If you’re going to indulge in a few holiday cocktails, eat a protein-rich, fiber-filled snack beforehand. Opt for a glass of Pinor Noir, rich in resveratrol or cocktails made from fresh ingredients. Beware of drinks such as white Russians or mudslide mixes that are full of sugar and contain up to 500-800 insulin-spiking, fat-storing, hormone-disrupting calories per drink.

Drink plenty of water between each cocktail to prevent dehydration, plus it’ll accomplish the social goal of having a glass in your hand while cutting down on the empty booze calories and the hangover! Never take Tylenol after drinking alcohol. It’s a deadly combo for your liver and your kidneys. Hangover helpers: Support and love your liver. Replenish your body with B-vitamins, magnesium, turmeric (curcumin), ginger, protein, fiber, electrolytes, lemon water, coconut water and more water!

Cooking & baking tips. The holiday season is filled with carb-laden treats and gluten-containing foods that can cause digestive distress and are a detriment to your mood and your waistline. Parties can be challenging for people who are gluten intolerant, have food sensitivities or those who choose to avoid grains and excess sugar. And, just because an item is gluten-free, doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Many gluten-free items contain rice flour, tapioca starch, and the like, which spike insulin and cause drastic blood sugar fluctuations. Re-create many of your favorite recipes with a variety of healthier options.

     Instead of: Replace with:
     Vegetable oil Organic apple sauce, pureed prunes, real butter, avocado or coconut oil
     Cornstarch Arrowroot powder
     White or wheat flour Coconut flour, almond meal, hazelnut flour
     Margarine Organic, pastured, grass-fed butter

Gluten-free Holiday Cookie Recipe. Here’s a healthier gluten-free cookie recipe for those of you who enjoy baking during the holiday season and love cookies.

     1 cup grass-fed butter (soft) 1 – 2 tsp. pure vanilla
     1-1/2 cups coconut flour (sifted) 1/4 cup coconut sugar
     1/4 tsp. stevia extract (if you like sweeter cookies) 2 tbsp. raw honey
      1 tsp. baking soda plus 1/2 tsp. sea salt 2 pastured whole eggs
      Optional: 1 cup ground nuts of your choice Optional: dark chocolate & chunky sea salt

Combine flour, baking soda and salt. Add remaining ingredients and stir thoroughly. Take a small amount of dough into your hand and place a chunk of dark chocolate in the middle of each cookie. Form into a ball shape and place onto baking sheet. Sprinkle chunky sea salt on cookies before baking. Bake at 375 degrees for approximately 10 - 12 minutes until set, not brown. Cool and enjoy! These won’t last long. Yum!

Allow yourself to eat, drink and be holiday healthy without any pressure, guilt or feelings of remorse. Remember, it’s what you do consistently on a daily basis that matters most.

Wishing you and your loved ones lots of love, an abundance of blessings and a peaceful, happy, healthy holiday season!  Red heart

Copyright © Paula Owens. All Rights Reserved.

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